The web based “airline reservation system” project is an attempt to stimulate the basic concepts of airline reservation system. The system enables the customer to do the things such as search for airline flights for two travel cities on a specified date, choose a flight based on the details, reservation of flight and cancellation of reservation.
The system allows the airline passenger to search for flights that are available between the two travel cities, namely the “Departure city” and “Arrival city” for a particular departure and arrival dates. The system displays all the flight’s details such as flight no, name, price and duration of journey etc.
After search the system display list of available flights and allows customer to choose a particular flight. Then the system checks for the availability of seats on the flight. If the seats are available then the system allows the passenger to book a seat. Otherwise it asks the user to choose another flight.
To book a flight the system asks the customer to enter his details such as name, address, city, state, credit card number and contact number. Then it checks the validity of card and book the flight and update the airline database and user database. The system also allows the customer to cancel his/her reservation, if any problem occurs.
Reqirement number
The user will be able to search for flights through a
standard screen.
Must have
Database administrator maintains the user details and the
flights details in the database.
Non functional
Must have
Through a standard flight search method the user will be able to search
one-way,round trip or multi destination flights.
Must have
The user should able to specify the departure,arrival
places and date of their flight.
Must have
By advanced flight search method the user will allow the
user to specify a preffered airline by its name or its number.
Could have
The user will have the option to select the either
non-stop,single stop or multi-stop flights.
Must have
The user can only search for a flight in the future and
with in only one year of current date.
Must have
Any error in entry of the system will stop the system fro
processing the search. an error message will be presented to the user.
Must have
The user will be able to see the price,duration of
trvelling,departure time and arrival time.
Must have
User will able to specify the flight class which will be with respect to
the flight choosen.
Could have
The user will be able to choose the seats from the list of
available seats of particular flights.
Must have
The user must complete all the necessary steps to book
flight to be gaurenteed and autherentised.
Must have
After booking the flight the user may cancel or modifing
their flight.
Must have
Response time of the airline reservation system must be
less than 5 sec most of time.
Non functional
Shall have
Ars shall be able to handle atleast 1000 transactions per second.
Non functional
Shall have
Ars should be
available 24x7.
Non functional
Must have
Ars shall always provide real time information about
flight availability information.
Non functional
Must have
The web interface should be interactive and easily
navigable users sholud be able to
understand the menu and options provided by ars.
Must have
Users need to authenticated before having access to any
personal data
Non functional
Must have
Ars shall authenticate the
users credit cards and their personal information.
Must have
Support for waiting list functionality.
Shall have
The ars shall be able to handle the situation where flight
services are available to multiple cities or a single city.
Could have
Only the system abministrator hat the right to change the
system parameters.
Shall have
Ars should be roboust enough to have a high degree fauklt
Shall have
3. System Requirements
: 15” COLOR
DISK :250 GB
Use-case view
are not part of system.
represent anyone or anything that interacts with (input to receive output from)
the system.
actor is someone or something that:
Interacts with or uses the
Provides input tot and receives
information from the system.
Is external to the system
and has no control over the use cases.
Actors are
discovered by examining:
Who directly uses the
Who is responsible for
maintaining the system?
External hardware used by
the system.
Other systems that need to
interact with the system.
The need of
the actor are used to develop use cases. This insures that the system will be
what the user expected.
An actor is
a stereotype of a class and is depicted as “stickman” on a use-case diagram.
The name of
the actor is displayed below the icon.
that help to identify actors
- Who is interested in a certain
- Where is the system used within the
- Who will benefit from the use of the system?
- Who will supply the system with
information, use this information, and remove this information?
- Who will support and maintain the
- Does the system use an external
- Does one person play several different
- Do several people play the same role?
- Does the system interact with a legacy
Using the
above questions we have identified four actors is online airline reservation
system. They are
Credit and authorization
Airline database
User database
Initially Customer searches the fights available in the web page by submitting
departure city and arrival city. After he chooses a flight from a light of
available flights. After choosing he has to submit his details for booking and
confirm the booking. He can also have the ability to cancel the flight if any
problem occurs.
UML notion:
Database Administrator: It is responsible for maintaining all the rights
details such as flight number, company, price duration of journey. The request
come to any airline database is queried and executed. The query may be either
executable or update query. It is invoked by the booking system whenever the
traveler confirms the booking. It maintains the customer details such as name,
address, city, state and contact number. Whenever the customer cancels the
booking his details will be removed from the database.
UML notation
Use case is
a sequence of transactions performed by a system that yields a measurable
result of values for a particular actor. The use cases are all the ways the
system may be used.
base shape of a use case is an ellipse:
Ø A use case may have a name, although it is typically not a
simple name. It is often written as an informal text description of the actors
and the sequences of events between objects. Use case names often start with a
Ø The name of the use case is displayed below the icon.
Questions that help to find use
- What are the tasks of each actor?
- Will any
actor create, store, change, remove or read information in the system?
- What use
cases will create, store, change, remove, or read this information?
- Will any
actor need to inform the system about sudden, external changes?
- Does any
actor need to be informed about certain occurrences in the system?
- What use
cases will support or maintain the system?
- Can all
functional requirements be performed by the use cases?
By applying the
above questions to the online shopping the following use cases are identified.
They are
Search Flight
This use case is
started by traveler. It provides the
facility for traveler to search for flight based on departure and arrival city.
UML notation:
2) Select Flight
After searching from the
list of available flights the choose flight enables the traveler to choose a
flight. Then it checks the availability of seats on that flight. If the scats are available then it allows the traveler to
book a seat, otherwise it asks the traveler to choose another flight.
UML notation:
Book Flight
After choosing a flight, the traveler books the flight
by using book flight system. To book a seat the traveler first enters his
details. The system then checks the credit card and books the ticket and sends
confirmation to user.
UML notation:
Cancel Flight
use case is utilized by traveler. It enables the traveler to cancel his/her
reservation if any problem occurs.
UML notation:
Definition: A Use-case diagram
graphically represents system behavior (use cases). These diagrams present a
high level view of how the system is used as viewed from an outsider’s
(actor’s) perspective. A use-case diagram may contain all or some of the use
cases of a system.
An association provides a pathway for communication. The
communication can be between use cases, actors, classes or interfaces.
Associations are the most general of all relationships and consequentially the
most semantically weak. If two objects are usually considered independently,
the relationship is an association. Associations are of two types
1) Uni-directional association.
2) Bi-directional association.
association relationship is an orthogonal or straight solid line with an arrow
at one end:
An Association Relationship, we can provide Stereotype COMMUNICATE also as
shown below
Dependency Relationship:
dependency is a relationship between two model elements in which a change to
one model element will affect the other model element. Use a dependency
relationship to connect model elements with the same level of meaning.
Typically, on class diagrams, a dependency relationship indicates that the
operations of the client invoke operations of the supplier.
can provide here
1. Include Relationship.
2. Extend Relationship
Include Relationship
Multiple use cases may share pieces of the same
functionality. This functionality is placed in a separate use case rather than
documenting it in every use case that needs it
Include relationships are created between the new use
case and any other use case that “uses” its functionality.
An include relationship is a stereotyped relationship
that connects a base use case to an inclusion use case. An include relationship
specifies how behavior in the inclusion use case is used by the base use case.
Extend Relationship
extend relationship is a stereotyped relationship that specifies how the
functionality of one use case can be inserted into the functionality of another
use case. Extend relationships between use cases are modeled as dependencies by
using the Extend stereotype. An extend relationship is used to show
Optional behavior
Behavior that is run only
under certain conditions such as triggering an alarm
Several different flows
that may be run based on actor selection
An extend relationship is
drawn as a dependency relationship that points from the extension to the base
use case
extend relationship sample demonstrates how you can use an extend relationship
to connect use cases. The sample illustrates two important aspects of extend
An extend relationship
shows optional functionality or system behavior.
A base use case does not
need to acknowledge any specific extended use cases The sample below shows a
diagram containing an actor interacting with a web site. The Customer has the
option of buying merchandise online as shown through the extend relationship.
Finally we can
Extend is used when you
wish to show that a use case provides additional functionality that may be
required in another use case.
Include applies when there
is a sequence of behavior that is used frequently in a number of use cases, and
you want to avoid copying the same description of it into each use case in
which it is used.
Use case
specifications for login system:
1.Use case name: Login system
2. Flow of events:
2.1 Basic flow :
The customer
enters the valid login details in login system. If it is not valid 2.2.1
alternate flow is executed.
2.2 Alternate flow:
2.2.1 Iinvalid user
The customer
enters the invalid values.
3. Special requirements:
User can enter as a
4.Pre conditions:
There are no
5.Post conditions:
There are no post
6.Extension points:
There are no
extension points.
Use case
specification for search flight:
1.Use case name: Search Flight.
This use case is started traveler. It
provides the facility to search the flights available.
2.Flow of events:
2.1 Basic flow:
This use case is
started when the traveler enter the details such as departure city and arrival
city. If the names are invalid alternate flow 2.2.1 is executed. The system
then checks for the list of flights available and print them.if the flight is
not available alternate flow 2.2.2 is executed.
2.2 Alternate flow:
2.2.1 If the traveler
enters the city with errors such as “arrival date” is preceed departure date or
entering the dates are already completed or the cities are invalid then the
system informs the traveler that returns the details.
2.2.2 If the flight
is not available between the two cities that the user enters then the system
display the message that “there is no flight service directly between two
3.Special requirements:
There are no special
4.Pre conditions;
There are no pre
5. Post conditions:
There are no post
6. Extension points:
There are no
extension points.
Use case
specifications for the selecting flight:
1.Use case name: Select Flight
This use case is
started by traveler. It provides the facility for traveler to select a flight
from a list of available flights.
2.Flow of events:
2.1 Basic flow:
This use case is
started after the search flight is completed by traveler. The system chooses a
flight from the list of available flights if the search system find any flights
between the roots. If there are no seats
available alternate flow 2.2.1 is executed.
2.2 Alternate flow:
2.2.1 If there are
no seats are available on the selected flight then the system informs the traveler to choose
another flight.
3.Special requirements:
There are no special requirements.
4. Pre conditions:
There are no pre
5.Post conditions:
There are no post conditions.
6.Extension points:
There are no
extension points.
Use case
specifications for bookins a flight :
1.Use case name: Book Flight.
This is use case is
started by the provides the facility for the traveler to book
2. Flow of events:
2.1 Basic flow;
This use case is
started after the traveler chooses a
flight.the system then asks the traveler to enter his/her details and credit
card number. The system then checks the credit card number. The system then
checks the credit card validity through credit card authorization mechanism and
books the tickets else alternate flow 2.2.1 is executed. After booking the
tickets the system update databases.
2.2 Alternate flow:
2.2.1 If the credit
card is not valid the system ask the traveler to re enter the credit card
number correctly.
3.Special requirements:
There are no special
4. Pre conditions:
There is availability
of seats in the flight which is choosen.
5. Post conditions:
There are no post
6.Extension points:
There are no extension
Use case
specification for the cancel flight :
Use case name:
Cancel Flight.
This use case id started by
traveler to cancel his.her reservation.
3. Flow
of events:
Basic flow:This
use case is started by the traveler if
he was some problems with travelling. To cancel the reservation the system asks
the traveler his reservation number and confirmation.else alternate flow 2.2.1
is executed. After the conformation of travler the system concedes the
reservation and update databases.
3.2 Alternate
If the
reservation number is in valid the message is displayed in valid number.
There are no special
6. Pre
must have the reservation with that number.
7. Post
There are no post conditions.
8. Extension
There are no extension points.
An Activity diagram is a variation of a special case of
a state machine, in which the states are activities representing the
performance of operations and the transitions are triggered by the completion
of the operations. The purpose of Activity diagram is to provide a view of
flows and what is going on inside a use case or among several classes. We can
also use activity diagrams to model code-specific information such as a class
operation. Activity diagrams are very similar to a flowchart because you can
model a workflow from activity to activity.
activity diagram is basically a special case of a state machine in which most
of the states are activities and most of the transitions are implicitly
triggered by completion of the actions in the source activities.
Activity diagrams represent
the dynamics of the system.
They are flow charts that
are used to show the workflow of a system; that is, they show the flow of
control from activity to activity in the system, what activities can be done in
parallel, and any alternate paths through the flow.
At this point in the life
cycle, activity diagrams may be created to represent the flow across use cases
or they may be created to represent the flow within a particular use case.
Later in the life cycle,
activity diagrams may be created to show the workflow for an operation.
diagrams contain activities, transitions between the activities, decision
points, and synchronization bars. In the UML, activities are represented as
rectangles with rounded edges, transitions are drawn as directed arrows,
decision points are shown as diamonds, and synchronization bars are drawn as
thick horizontal or vertical bars as shown in the following.
activity represents the performance of some behavior in the workflow.
are used to show the passing of the flow of control from activity to activity.
They are typically triggered by the completion of the behavior in the
originating activity.
Decision Points:
modeling the workflow of a system it is often necessary to show where the flow
of control branches based on a decision point. The transitions from a decision
point contain a guard condition, which is used to determine which path from the
decision point is taken. Decisions along with their guard conditions allow you
to show alternate paths through a work flow.
Synchronization Bars
a workflow there are typically some activities that may be done in parallel. A
synchronization bar allows you to
specify what activities may be done concurrently. Synchronization bars are also
used to show joins in the workflow; that is, what activities
must complete
before processing may continue. Means, a synchronization bar may have many
incoming transitions and one outgoing transition, or one incoming transition
and many outgoing transitions.
Swim lanes
lanes may be used to partition an activity diagram. This typically is done to
show what person or organization is responsible for the activities contained in
the swim lane.
Initial and
Final Activities
are special symbols that are used to show the starting and final activities in
a workflow. The starting activity is shown using a solid filled circle and the
final activities are shown using a bull’s eye. Typically, there is one starting
activity for the workflow and there may be more than one ending activity (one
for each alternate flow in the workflow).
a workflow in an activity diagram can be done several ways; however, the
following steps present just one logical process:
- Identify a workflow objective. Ask, “What needs to
take place or happen by the end of the workflow? What needs to be
accomplished?” For example, if your activity diagram models the workflow
of ordering a book from an online bookstore, the goal of the entire
workflow could be getting the book to the customer.
- Decide the pre and post-conditions of the workflow
through a start state and an end state. In most cases, activity diagrams
have a flowchart structure so start and end states are used to designate
the beginning and ending of the workflow. State and end states clarify the
perimeter of the workflow.
- Define and recognize all activities and states that
must take place to meet your objective. Place and name them on the
activity diagram in a logical order.
- Define and diagram any objects that are created or
modified within your activity diagram. Connect the objects and activities
with object flows.
- Decide who or what is responsible for performing the
activities and states through swim lanes. Name each swim lane and place
the appropriate activities and states within each swim lane.
- Connect all elements on the diagram with transitions.
Begin with the “main” workflow.
- Place decisions on the diagram where the workflow may
split into an alternate flow. For example, based on a Boolean expression,
the workflow could branch to a different workflow.
- Evaluate your diagram and see if you have any
concurrent workflows. If so, use synchronizations to represent forking and
- Set all actions, triggers and guard conditions in the
specifications of each model element.
of the first steps in creating a class diagram is to derive from a use case,
via a
(or collaboration diagram), those classes that participate in realizing the use
case. Through further analysis, a class diagram is developed for each use case
and the various use case class diagrams are then usually assembled into a
larger analysis class diagram. This can be drawn first for a single subsystem
or increment, but class diagrams can be drawn at any scale that is appropriate,
from a single use case instance to a large, complex system.
the objects involved in collaboration can be difficult at first, and takes some
practice before the analyst can feel really comfortable with the process. Here
collaboration (i.e. the set of classes that it comprises) can be identified
directly for a use case, and that, once the classes are known, the next step is
to consider the interaction among the classes and so build a collaboration
the following use case order products, to identify a set of classes.
case description: Search flight.
Actor Action
1. None
The actor (Customer) selects a product.
5. Prepare for
System Response
Displays list of Products.
Displays a list of all details for ordering a product.
6. Presents a
message confirming that the order has been allotted.
Here objective is
to find a set of classes that can interact to realize the use case. In this
case, we know from the use case diagram that the traveler is the actor for this
use case. The use case description tells us that traveler search for the flight
by giving arrival and departure city. The objective of the use case search
flight is allow the user to search for flights
begin by picking out from the description all the important things or concepts
in the application domain. Our first list might include traveler, airline
database, and user database. But we are only interested in those about which
the system must store some information or knowledge in order to achieve its
objectives. The traveler will be modeled as an actor.
the purposes of this particular use case, it is unlikely the system will need
to encapsulate any further knowledge about the actor.
Collaboration Diagram for the Above USE CASE.
Collaboration is
between individual object instances, not between classes. This is shown in the
diagram by the convention of writing a colon before the class name, which
indicates that this is an anonymous instance of the class, rather than the
class itself. Messages between classes are shown by arrows, and their sequence
is indicated by the number alongside. In this example, these are not yet
labeled, although some those that can be most easily related to the use case
description will probably soon be given names that correspond to
responsibilities of the class to which the message is addressed.
collaboration diagram drawn above does not yet show any boundary or control
objects, and these must be added. It is also based on certain assumptions about
how the interaction between objects would take place, and we must make these
assumptions explicit and question them.
the messages are not yet labeled, the numbers alongside the message arrows
indicates their sequence. The diagram implies a linear flow of messages, along
the following lines.
system is started by traveler by entering details for search, which is assumed
to know its current status and type.
The following figure shows the collaboration diagram after this
refinement adding a boundary object and control object.
boundary object will be responsible for the capture of input from the user and
display of results. All messages are now routed centrally through the control
object. This means that no entity class needs to know anything about any other
entity class unless this is directly relevant to its own responsibilities.
above figure addresses one major issue, that, it seems reasonable to assume
that a traveler is responsible for search flights. But the collaboration
diagram now shows no communication between traveler and Searching system, so it
is not clear how this knowledge will be maintained.
this we can have another way that the interaction might work, and we could
perhaps expand this as follows. The entity object airline database obtains a
list of available flights and a control object searching system obtains the
need from available and display them using boundary object display details.
collaboration diagram to class diagram:
next step in the development of a requirements model is usually to produce a
class diagram that corresponds to each of the collaboration diagrams.
Collaboration diagrams are obtained by result of reasonably careful analysis,
the transition is not usually too difficult.
the rectangular box variant of the notation is used in a collaboration diagram
it represents object instances rather than classes, is normally undivided and
contains only the class name .On a class diagram, the symbol is usually divided
into three compartments that contain in turn the class name, its attributes and
its operations.
actor is almost always shown on a collaboration diagram, but not usually shown
on a class diagram. This is because the collaboration diagram represents a
particular interaction and the actor is an important part of this interaction.
However, a class diagram shows the more enduring structure of associations
among the classes, and frequently supports a number of different interactions
that may represent several different use cases.
connections between the object symbols on a collaboration diagram symbolize
links between objects, while on a class diagram the corresponding connections
stand for associations between classes.
collaboration diagram shows the dynamic interaction of a group of objects and
thus every link needed for message passing is shown. The labeled arrows
alongside the links represent messages between objects. On a class diagram, the
associations themselves are usually labeled, but messages are not shown.
messages towards the objects in collaboration diagram are considered as
operations in the class represented by that object. Attributes are also
identified using some techniques which are discussed later.
this method, analysts read through the requirements or use cases looking for
noun phrases. Nouns in the textual description are considered to be classes and
verbs to be methods of the classes All plurals are changed to singular, the
nouns are listed, and the list divided into three categories relevant classes,
fuzzy classes (the “fuzzy area,” classes we are not sure about), and irrelevant
classes as shown below.
Using the noun phrase strategy,
candidate classes can be divided into three categories: Relevant Classes, Fuzzy
Area or Fuzzy classes (those classes that we are not sure about), and
irrelevant Classes.
It is safe to scrap the irrelevant classes, which either have
no purpose or will be unnecessary. Candidate classes then are selected from the
other two categories. Here identifying classes and developing a UML class
diagram just like other activities is an iterative process. Depending on
whether such object modeling is for the analysis or design phase of
development, some classes may need to be added or removed from the model
.Analyst must be able to formulate a statement of purpose for each candidate
class; if not, simply eliminate it.
1 Identifying
Tentative Classes:
The following are
guidelines for selecting classes in an application:
Look for nouns and noun
phrases in the use cases.
Some classes are implicit
or taken from general knowledge.
All classes must make sense
in the application domain; avoid computer implementation classes-defer them to
the design stage.
Carefully choose and define
class names.
classes is an incremental and iterative process. This incremental and iterative
nature is evident in the development of such diverse software technologies as
graphical user interfaces, database standards, and even fourth-generation
2 Selecting
Classes from the Relevant and Fuzzy Categories:
following guidelines help in selecting candidate classes from the relevant and
fuzzy categories of classes in the problem domain.
A) Redundant
not keep two classes that express the same information. If more than one word
is being used to describe the same idea, select the one that is the most
meaningful in the context of the system. This is part of building a common
vocabulary for the system as a whole. Choose your vocabulary carefully; use the
word that is being used by the user of the system.
Traveler, Passenger
b) Adjectives
wary of the use of adjectives. Adjectives can be used in many ways. An
adjective can suggest a different kind of object, different use of the same
object, or it could be utterly irrelevant. Does the object represented by the
noun behave differently when the adjective is applied to it? If the use of the
adjective signals that the behavior of the object is different, and then makes a
new class”.
example : Single account holders behave differently than Joint account holders,
so the two should be classified as different classes.
c) Attribute
classes: Tentative objects that are used only as values should be defined or
restated as attributes and not as a class
d) Irrelevant classes: Each
class must have a purpose and every class should be clearly defined and
necessary. You must formulate a statement of purpose for each candidate class.
If you cannot come up with a statement of purpose, simply eliminate the
candidate class.
this is an incremental process. Some classes will be missing; others will be
eliminated or refined later. Unless you are starting with a lot of domain
knowledge, you probably are missing more classes than you will eliminate.
Although some classes ultimately may become super classes, at this stage simply
identify them as individual, specific classes. Your design will go through many
stages on its way to completion, and you will have adequate opportunity to
revise it.
refining cycle through the development process until you are satisfied with the
results. Remember that this process (of eliminating redundant classes, classes
containing adjectives, possible attributes, and irrelevant classes) is not
sequential. You can move back and forth among these steps as often analysts
second method for identifying classes is using common class patterns, which is
based on a knowledge base of the common classes. The following patterns are
used for finding the candidate class and object:
a) Concept class:
concept is a particular idea or understanding that we have of our world. The
concept class encompasses principles that are not tangible but used to organize
or keep track of business activities or communications. E.g. Performance is an
example of concept class object.
b) Events class
classes are points in time that must be recorded. Things happen, usually to
something else at a given date and time or as a step in an ordered sequence.
with things
remembered are attributes (after all, the things to remember are objects) such as
who, what, when, where, how, or why.
E.g.: Landing,
interrupt, request, and order are possible events.
c) Organization
organization class is a collection of people, resources, facilities, or groups
to which the users belong; their capabilities have a defined mission, whose
existence is largely independent of the individuals. E.g.: An accounting
department might be considered a potential class.
d) People class
(also known as person, roles, and roles played class)
people class represents the different roles users play in interacting with the
application. E.g. Employee, client, teacher, and manager are examples of
e) Places class
are physical locations that the system must keep information about. E.g.:
Buildings, stores, sites, and offices are examples of places.
Responsibility collaboration Cards (
CRC Cards)
the starting, for the identification of classes we need to concentrate
completely on uses cases. A further examination of the use cases also helps in
identifying operations and the messages that classes need to exchange. However,
it is easy to think first in terms of the overall responsibilities of a class
rather than its individual operations.
responsibility is a high level description of something a class can do.
It reflects the knowledge or information that is available to that class,
either stored within its own attributes or requested via collaboration with
other classes, and also the services that it can offer to other objects. A
responsibility may correspond to one or more operations. It is difficult to
determine the appropriate responsibilities for each class as there may be many
alternatives that all appear to be equally justified.
Responsibility Collaboration (CRC) cards provide an effective technique for
exploring the possible ways of allocating responsibilities to classes and the
collaborations that are necessary to fulfill the responsibilities.
cards can be used at several different stages of a project for different purposes.
1. They can be used early in a project to help the production of an
initial class diagram.
2. To develop a shared understanding of user requirements among the
members of the team.
3. CRCs are helpful in modeling object interaction. The format of a
typical CRC card is shown below
Class Name:
Responsibilities of a class
are listed in this section
with other classes are listed here, together with a brief description of the
purpose of the collaboration
CRC cards are an aid to a group role-playing activity. Index
cards are used in preference to pieces of paper due to their robustness and to
the limitations that their size
(approx. 15cm x
8cm) imposes on the number of responsibilities and collaborations that can be
effectively allocated to each class.
class name is entered at the top of each card and responsibilities and collaborations
are listed underneath as they become apparent. For the sake of clarity, each
collaboration is normally listed next to the corresponding responsibility.
a UML perspective, use of CRC cards is in analyzing the object interaction that
is triggered by a particular use case scenario. The process of using CRC cards
is usually structured as follows.
1. Conduct a session to identify which objects are involved in the
use case.
2. Allocate each object to a team member who will play the role of
that object.
3. Act out the use case: This involves a series of negotiations
among the objects to explore how responsibility can be allocated and to
identify how the objects can collaborate with each other.
4. Identify and record any missing or redundant objects.
beginning a CRC session it is important that all team members are briefed on
the organization of the session and a CRC session should be preceded by a
separate exercise that identities all the classes for that part of the
application to be analyzed.
team members to whom these classes are allocated can then prepare for the role
playing exercise by considering in advance a first-cut allocation of
responsibilities and identification of collaborations. Here, it is important to
ensure that the environment in which the sessions take place is free from
interruptions and free for the flow of ideas among team members.
a CRC card session, there must be an explicit strategy that helps to achieve an
appropriate distribution of responsibilities among the classes. One simple but
effective approach is to apply the rule that each object should be as lazy as
possible, refusing to take on any additional responsibility unless instructed
to do so by its fellow objects.
a session conducted according to this rule, each role player identifies the
object that they feel is the most appropriate to take on each responsibility,
and attempts to
persuade that
object to accept the responsibility. For each responsibility that must be
allocated, one object is eventually persuaded by the weight of rational
argument to accept it. This process can help to highlight missing objects that
are not explicitly referred to by the use case description. When
responsibilities can be allocated in several different ways it is useful to role-play
each allocation separately to determine which is the most appropriate. The aim
normally is to minimize the number of messages that must be passed and their
complexity, while also producing class definitions that are cohesive and well
Consider CRC
exercise for the use case allotting buses to routes. This use case involves
instances of Bus, and Depot. The resulting CRC cards are shown in the following
Class Name :
traveling details
Search flight UI provide flights
CRC card for Traveler class in search flight.
Class Name :
Searching system
for the flight available.
Airline database provides the list of
available flights
card for Searching system in Search Flight
case realization is nothing but an instance of a use case which involves the
identification of a possible set of classes, together with an understanding of
how those classes might interact to deliver the functionality of the use case.
The set of classes is known as collaboration.
Use case
realization diagram:
sequence diagram is a graphical view of a scenario that shows object
interaction in a time based sequence i.e. what happens first and what happens
next. Sequence diagrams establish the roles of objects and help provide
essential information to determine class responsibilities and interfaces.
Sequence diagram the vertical dimension represents time and all objects
involved in the interaction are spread horizontally across the diagram.
normally proceeds down the page. However, a sequence diagram may be drawn with
a horizontal time axis if required, and in this case, time proceeds from left
to right across the page. Each object is represented by a vertical dashed line,
called a lifeline, with an object symbol at the top. A message is shown
by a solid horizontal arrow from one lifeline to another and is labeled with
the message name. Each message name may optionally be preceded by a sequence
number that represents the sequence in which the messages are sent, but this is
not usually necessary on a sequence diagram since the message sequence is
already conveyed by their relative positions along time axis.
1. An object is shown as a box
at the top of a dashed vertical line. Object names can be specific (e.g.,
Algebra 101, Section 1) or they can be general (e.g., a course offering).
Often, an anonymous object (class name may be used to represent any object in
the class.)
2. Each message is represented
by an Arrow between the lifelines of two objects. The order in which these
messages occur is shown top to bottom on the page. Each message is labeled with
the message name.
collaboration diagram is an alternate way to show a scenario. This type of
shows object interactions organized around the objects and their links to each
other. A collaboration diagram contains:
Objects drawn as rectangles
Links between objects shown
as lines connecting the linked objects
Messages shown as text and
an arrow that points from the client to the supplier Message labels in
collaboration diagrams:
on a collaboration diagram are represented by a set of symbols that are the
same as those used in a sequence diagram, but with some additional elements to
show sequencing and recurrence as these cannot be inferred from the structure
of the diagram. Each message label includes the message signature and also a
sequence number that reflects call nesting, iteration, branching, concurrency
and synchronization within the interaction.
formal message label syntax is as follows: [Predecessor] [guard-condition]
sequence-expression [return-value ':='] message-name’ (‘ [argument-list] ') '
predecessor is a list of sequence numbers of the messages that must occur
before the current message can be enabled. This permits the detailed
specification of branching pathways. The message with the immediately preceding
sequence number is assumed to be the predecessor by default, so if an
interaction has no alternative pathways the predecessor list may be omitted
without any ambiguity. The syntax for a predecessor is as follows:
{ ',' sequence-number} '1'
'l' at the end of this expression indicates the end of the list and is
only included when an explicit predecessor is shown.
conditions are written in Object Constraint Language (OCL), and are only
shown where the enabling of a message is subject to the defined condition. A
guard condition may be used to represent the synchronization of different
threads of control.
sequence-expression is a list of integers separated by dots ('.')
optionally followed by a name (a single letter), optionally followed by
a recurrence term and terminated by a colon. A sequence-expression has
the following syntax:
{'.' integer} [name] [recurrence] ': '
this expression integer represents the sequential order of the message.
This may be nested within a loop or a branch construct, so that, for example,
message 5.1 occurs after message 5.2 and both are contained within the
activation of message 5.
name of a sequence-expression is used to differentiate two concurrent messages
since these are given the same sequence number. For example, messages 3.2.1a and
3.2.1b are concurrent within the activation of message 3.2.
reflects either iterative or conditional execution and its syntax is as
Branching: ‘[‘condition-clause’
Iteration: ‘* “[‘iteration-clause ‘ ]’
between sequence and collaboration diagrams
Sequence diagrams are
closely related to collaboration diagrams and both are alternate
representations of an interaction.
Sequence diagrams show
time-based object interaction while collaboration diagrams show how objects
associate with each other.
A sequence diagram is a
graphical view of a scenario that shows object interaction in a time based
A collaboration diagram
shows object interactions organized around the objects and their links to each
Attributes are
part of the essential description of a class. They belong to the class, unlike
objects, which instantiate the class. Attributes are the common structure of
what a member of the class can 'know'. Each object will have its own, possibly
unique, value for each attribute.
Guidelines for
identifying attributes of classes are as follows:
Ø Attributes usually correspond to nouns followed by prepositional
phrases. Attributes also may correspond to adjectives or adverbs.
Ø Keep the class simple; state only enough attributes to define
the object state.
Ø Attributes are less likely to be fully described in the problem
Ø Omit derived attributes.
Ø Do not carry discovery attributes to excess.
Some questions
are there which help in identifying the responsibilities of classes and
deciding what data elements to keep track of:
What information about an object should we keep track of?
What services must a class provide?
Answering the first question helps us to identify the
attributes of a class. Answering the second question helps us to identify class
The attributes
identified in our system are:
- Attributes for Airline
Reservation : details,country,date
- Attributes for User :
responsibilities identified in our system are:
- Methods for Administrator:update,details.
- Methods for User: enter
systems are made up of many classes and objects. System behavior is achieved
through the collaborations of the objects in the system.
example, a passenger can perform reservation operation by submitting form to
reservation clerk. This is often referred to as an object sending a message to
another object. Relationships provide the medium or tool for object
interaction. Two types of relationships in CLASS diagram are:
1. Associations Relationship
2. Aggregations Relationship
association is a bidirectional semantic connection between classes. It is not a
data flow as defined in structured analysis and design data may flow in either
direction across the association. An association between classes means that
there is a link between objects in the associated classes.
example, an association between the Searching system class and the Airline
database means that objects in the class searching system are connected to
objects in the Airline database.
Relationship with Multiplicity
aggregation relationship is a specialized form of association in which a whole is
related to its part(s).
is known as a “part-of’ or containment relationship. The UML notation for an
aggregation relationship is an association with a diamond next to the class denoting
the aggregate (whole), as shown below:

association may be named. Usually the name is an active verb or verb phrase
that communicates the meaning of the relationship. Since the verb phrase
typically implies a reading direction, it is desirable to name the association
so it reads correctly from left to right or top to bottom. The words may have
to be changed to read the association in the other direction. It is important
to note that the name of the association is optional.
end of an association where it connects to a class is called an association
role. Role names can be used instead of association names.
role name is a noun that denotes how one class associates with another. The
role name is placed on the association near the class that it modifies, and may
be placed on one or both ends of an association line.
It is not necessary to have
both a role name and an association name. >•
Associations are named or
role names are used only when the names are needed for clarity.
multiplicity is specified for classes, it defines the number of objects that
participate in a relationship. Multiplicity defines the number of objects that
are linked to one another. There are two multiplicity indicators for each
association or aggregation one at each end of the line. Some common
multiplicity indicators are
1 Exactly one
* Zero or more
* One or more
.. 1 Zero or one
.. 8 Specific range (5, 6, 7, or 8)
.. 7,9 Combination (4, 5, 6, 7, or 9)
Multiple objects
belonging to the same class may have to communicate with one another. This is
shown on the class diagram as a reflexive association or aggregation. Role
names rather than asociation names typically are used for reflexive
17. UML
Class diagrams are created
to provide a picture or view of some or all of the classes in the model.
The main class diagram in
the logical view of the model is typically a picture of the packages in the’
system. Each package also has its own main class diagram, which typically
displays the “public” classes of the package.
class diagram is a picture for describing generic descriptions of possible
systems. Class diagrams and collaboration diagrams are alternate
representations of object models.
diagrams contain icons representing classes, packages, interfaces, and their
relationships. You can create one or more class diagrams to depict the classes
at the top level of the current model; such class diagrams are themselves
contained by the top level of the current model.
class is a description of a group of objects with common properties
(attributes), common behavior (operations), common relationships to other
objects, and common semantics. Thus, a class is a template to create objects.
Each object is an instance of some class and objects cannot be instances of
more than one class.
should be named using the vocabulary of the domain. For example, the Bus class
may be defined with the following characteristics: Attributes - location, time
offered Operations - retrieve location,
retrieve time of day, add a student to the offering.
object would have a value for the attributes and access to the operations
specified by the Airline database class.
In the UML, classes are
represented as compartmentalized rectangles.
The top compartment
contains the name of the class.
The middle compartment
contains the structure of the class (attributes).
The bottom compartment
contains the behavior of the class as
shown below.
class stereotypes represent three particular kinds of class that will be
encountered again and again when carrying out requirements modeling. UML
A new type of modeling
element that extends the semantics of the metamodel.
Stereotypes must be based
on certain existing types or classes in the metamodel.
Stereotypes may extend the
semantics but not the structure of preexisting classes.
Certain stereotypes are
defined in the UML, others may be user defined.
is designed to be capable of extension; developers can add new stereotypes
depend on need. But this is only done when it is absolutely necessary. Three
analysis class stereotypes to the UML are:
Boundary classes,
Control classes
Entity classes.
1. Boundary
classes, it is a ‘model interaction
between the system and its actors’. Since they are part of the requirements
model, boundary classes are relatively abstract. They do not directly represent all the
different sorts of interface that will be used in the implementation language.
The design model may well do this later, but from an analysis perspective we
are interested only in identifying the main logical interfaces with users and
other systems.
This may include
interfaces with other software and also with physical devices such as printers,
motors and sensors. Stereotyping these as boundary classes emphasizes that
their main task is to manage the transfer of information across system
boundaries. It also helps to partition the system, so that any changes to the
interface or communication aspects of the system can be isolated from those
parts of the system that provide the information storage.
class Search flight Ul is a typical boundary class. This style of writing the
name shows that the class is Search flight UI and it belongs to the User
Interface package when we write the package name in this way before the class
name, it means that this class is imported from a different package from the
one with which we are currently working. In this case, the current package is
the Agate application package, which contains the application requirements
model, and thus consists only of domain objects and classes. Alternative
notations for Boundary class stereotype can be represented as shown below
a) With stereotype
b) Symbol
2. Entity classes
second analysis class stereotype is the entity class, which are given in the
class diagram of Allotting Buses to Routes by the two classes Bus and Route.
classes are used to model ‘information and associated behavior of some
phenomenon or concept such as an individual, a real-life object, or a real-life
event’. As a general rule, entity classes represent something within the
application domain, but external to the software system, about which the system
must store some information. Instances of an entity class will often require
persistent storage of information about the things that they represent. This
can sometimes help to decide whether an entity class is the appropriate
modeling construct.
example, an actor is often not represented as an entity class. This is in spite
of the fact that all actors are within the application domain, external to the
software system and important to its operation. But most systems have no need
to store information about their users or to model their behavior. While there
are some obvious exceptions to this (consider a system that monitors user
access for security purposes), these are typically separate, specialist
applications in their own right. In such a context, an actor would be modeled
appropriately as an entity class, since the essential requirements for such a
system would include storing information about users, monitoring their access
to computer systems and tracking their actions while logged on to a network.
But it is more commonly the case that the software we develop does not need to
know anything about the people that use it, and so actors are not normally
modeled as classes. The following are representations for Entity classes.
3. Control classes
The third of the analysis class stereotypes is the control class, given by y the class Searching system in Search flight.
Control classes ‘represent coordination, sequencing, transactions and control of other objects’ .In the USDP, as in the earlier methodology Objectory. it is generally recommended that there should be a control class for each use case.
Control classes ‘represent coordination, sequencing, transactions and control of other objects’ .In the USDP, as in the earlier methodology Objectory. it is generally recommended that there should be a control class for each use case.
cases and scenarios provide a way to describe system behavior; in the form of
interaction between objects in the system. Some times it is necessary to
consider inside behavior of an object.
state chart diagram shows the states of a single object, the events or messages
that cause a transition from one state to another , and the actions that result
from a state change. As in Activity diagram , state chart diagram also contains
special symbols for start state and stop state.
chart diagram cannot be created for every class in the system, it is only for
those class objects with significant behavior. STATE :
state represents a condition or situation during the life of an object during
which it satisfies some condition , performs some action or waits for some
event. UML notation for STATE is
identify the states for an object its better to concentrate on sequence
diagram. In an APSRTC application the object for Course Offering may have in
the following states, initialization, open and closed state. These states are
obtained from the attribute and links defined for the object. Each state also
contains a compartment for actions .
Actions on states
can occur at one of four times:
on entry
on exit
on event.
On entry:
What type of action that object has to perform after entering into the state.
On exit :
What type of action that object has to perform after exiting from the state.
Do : The
task to be performed when object is in this state, and must to continue until
it leaves the state.
On event:
An on event action is similar to a state transition label with the following syntax:
: the Action
state transition indicates that an object in the source state will perform
certain specified actions and enter the destination state when a specified
event occurs or when certain conditions are satisfied. A state transition is a
relationship between two states, two activities, or between an activity and a
can show one or more state transitions from a state as long as each transition
is unique. Transitions originating from a state cannot have the same event,
unless there are conditions on the event. Graphical Representation
Provide a label for each state
transition with the name of at least one event that causes the state
transition. You do not have to use unique labels for state transitions because
the same event can cause a transition to many different states or activities.
Transitions are labeled with the following syntax:
(arguments) [condition] / action ^ target.sendEvent (arguments)
Only one event is
allowed per transition, and one action per event.
that accompany all state transitions into a state may be placed as an entry
action within the state. Likewise that accompany all state transitions out of a
state may be placed as exit actions within the state. Behavior that occurs
within the state is called an activity.
activity starts when the state is entered and either completes or is
interrupted by an outgoing state transition. The behavior may be a simple
action or it may be an event sent to another object.
3 Criteria for Good Design
1 Coupling and
cohesion - These factors coupling and cohesion are important factors for
good design.
describes the degree of interconnectedness between design components and is
reflected by the number of links an object has and by the degree of interaction
the object has with other objects.
is a measure of the degree to which an element contributes to a single purpose.
The concepts of coupling and cohesion are not mutually exclusive but actually
support each other. This criteria can be used within object-orientation as
described below.
Coupling is a measure of the number of message types an object
sends to other objects and the number of parameters passed with these message
types. Interaction coupling should be kept to a minimum to reduce the
possibility of changes rippling through the interfaces and to make reuse
easier. When an object is reused in another application it will still need to
send these messages and hence needs objects in the new application that provide
these services. This complicates the reuse process as it requires groups of
classes to be reused rather than individual classes. Inheritance Coupling
describes the degree to which a subclass actually needs the
features it inherits from its base class.
For example, in
the above figure, the inheritance hierarchy exhibits low inheritance coupling
and is poorly designed. The subclass Land Vehicle needs neither the attributes
maximum Altitude and takeoff Speed nor the operations check Altitude () and
takeOff (). They have been inherited unnecessarily.
In this example it
shows the base class, Vehicle, would be better named Flying Vehicle and the
inheritance relationship is somewhat suspect. A land vehicle is not a kind of
flying vehicle .However, many systems developers view designs with a small
degree of unnecessary inheritance as being acceptable if the hierarchy is
providing valuable reuse and is meaningful. However, a subclass with
unnecessary attributes or operations is more complex than it needs to be and
objects of the subclass may take more memory than they actually need. The real
problems may come when the system needs maintenance. The system’s maintainer
may not realize that some of the inherited attributes and operations are unused
and may modify the system incorrectly as a result. Alternatively the system’s
maintainer may use these unneeded features to provide a fix for a new user
making the system
even more difficult to maintain in the future. For these reasons, unnecessary
inheritance should be kept as low as possible.
Cohesion measures the degree to which an operation focuses on a single
functional requirement. Good design produces highly cohesive operations, each
of which deals with a single functional requirement. For example in the
following figure , the operation calculateRoomSpace () is highly cohesive.
Class Cohesion reflects
the degree to which a class is focused on a single requirement. The class
Lecturer in the previous figure exhibits low levels of cohesion as it has three
attributes (roomNumber, roomLength and room Width and one operation calculate
RoomSpace ()) that would be more appropriate in a class Room. The class
Lecturer should only have attributes that describe a Lecturer object (e.g.
lecturerName and lecturerAddress) and operations that use them. Specialization
Cohesion addresses the semantic cohesion of inheritance hierarchies. For
example in the following figure all the attributes and operations of the
Address base class are used by the derived classes - this hierarchy has high
inheritance coupling. However, it is neither true that a person is a kind of address
nor that a company is a kind of address. The example is only using inheritance
as a syntactic structure for sharing attributes and operations. This structure
has low specialization cohesion and is poor design. It does not reflect
meaningful inheritance in the problem domain.
2 Liskov Substitution Principle
Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is another design criteria which is
applicable to inheritance hierarchies. LSP states that, in object interactions,
it should be possible to treat a derived object as if it were a base object. If
the principle is not applied then it may be possible to violate the integrity
of the derived object.
the following figure objects of the class MortgageAccount cannot be treated as
if they are objects of the class ChequeAccount because MortgageAccount objects
do not have a debit operation whereas ChequeAccount objects do. The debit
operation is declared private in MortgageAccount and hence cannot be used by
any other object. It also shows an alternative structure that satisfies LSP.
Interestingly, this inheritance hierarchy has maximal inheritance coupling, and
enforcing the LSP normally produces structures with high inheritance coupling.
3 Further
design guidelines
following are the further guidelines which are to be considered for good
Design Clarity.
A design should be made as easy to understand as possible. This reinforces
the need to use design standards or protocols that have been specified.
Over-Design. Developers are on occasions tempted to produce designs that
may not only satisfy current requirements but may also be capable of supporting
a wide range of future requirements. Designing flexibility into a system has a
cost, the system may take longer to design and construct but this may be offset
in the future by easier and less expensive modification. However, it is not
feasible to design for every eventuality. Systems that are over designed in
first instance are more difficult to extend if the modifications are not
sympathetic to the existing structure.
Inheritance Hierarchies. Inheritance hierarchies should be neither too deep
nor too shallow. If a hierarchy is too deep it is difficult for the developer
to understand easily what features are inherited. There is a tendency for
developers new to 00 to produce over-specialized hierarchies, thus adding
complexity rather than reducing it.
Messages and Operations Simple. In general it is better to limit the number
of parameters passed in a message to no more than three .Ideally an operation
should be capable of specification in no more than one page.
Volatility. A good design will be stable in response to changes in
requirements. It reasonable to expect some change in the design if the
requirements are changed, However, any change in the design should be
commensurate with the change in requirements. Enforcing encapsulation is a key
factor in producing stable systems.
by Scenario. An effective way of testing the suitability of a design is to
role paly it against the use cases using CRC cards.
by Delegation. A complex object should be decomposed (if possible) into
component objects forming a composition or aggregation. Behavior can then be
delegated to the component objects producing a group of objects that are easier
to construct and maintain. This approach also improves reusability.
Classes Separate. In general, it is better not to place one class inside
another. The internal class is encapsulated by the other class and cannot be
accessed independently. This reduces the flexibility of the system.
analysis Stage we need to consider in detail the data types of the attributes
also. Common primitive data types include Boolean (true or false), Character
(any alphanumeric or special character), Integer (whole numbers) and
Floating-Point (decimal numbers). In most object-oriented languages more
complex data types, such as Money, String, Date, or Name can be constructed
from the primitive data types or may be available in standard libraries. An
attribute's data type is declared in UML using the following syntax:
':' type-expression '=' initial-value '{'property-string'}'
name is the attribute name, the type-expression is its data type, the initial
value is the value the attribute is set to when the object is first created and
the property-string describes a property of the attribute, such as constant or
fixed. The characters in single quotes are literals.
The following is a class Staff which is shown
along with attribute data types declared.
Attribute declarations can also include
arrays also. For example, an Employee class might include an attribute to hold
a list of qualifications that would be declared using the syntax:
Qualification [O ... 10]: String
operation also has to be specified in terms of the parameters that it passes
and returns. The syntax used for an operation is:
name' ('parameter-list ') “: “return-type-expression
operation's signature is determined by the operation's name, the number
and type of its parameters and the type of the return value if any.
Object visibility
concept of encapsulation is one of the fundamental principles of
object-orientation. During analysis various assumptions have been made
regarding the encapsulation boundary for an object and the way that objects
interact with each other.
example, it is assumed that the attributes of an object cannot be accessed
directly by other objects but only via 'get' and 'set' operations (primary
operations) that are assumed to be available for each attribute. Moving to
design involves making decisions regarding which operations (and possibly
attributes) are publicly accessible. In other words we must define the encapsulation
The following are the different kinds of
visibilities, their symbols and their meaning.
Visibility symbol
The feature (an operation or an attribute)
is directly accessible by an instance of any class.
The feature may only be used by an instance
of the class that includes it.
The feature may be used either by instances
of the class that includes it or of a subclass or descendant of that class.
The feature is directly accessible only by
instances of a class in the same package.
a class may present more than one external interface to other classes or the
same interface may be required from more than one class. An interface in UML is
a group of externally visible (i.e. public) operations. The interface contains
no internal structure, it has no attributes, no associations and the
implementation of the operations is not defined. Formally, an interface is
equivalent to an abstract class that has no attributes, no associations and
only abstract operations.
following figure shows two alternative notations for an interface. The simpler
of the two UML interface notations is a circle. This is attached by a solid
line to the classes that support the interface. For example, in Figure the
Advert class supports two interfaces, Manageable and accessible, that is, it
provides all of the operations specified by the interface. The circle notation
does not include a list of the operations provided by the interface type,
though they should be listed in the repository. The dashed arrow from the Staff
class to the Manageable interface circle icon indicates that it uses or needs,
at most, the operations provided by the interface.
alternative notation uses a stereotyped class icon. As an interface only
specifies the operations and has no internal structure, the attributes
compartment is omitted. This notation lists the operations on the diagram. The realize
relationship, represented by the dashed line with a triangular arrowhead,
indicates that the passenger class (e.g reservation) supports at least the
operations listed in the interface .Again the dashed arrow from staff means
that the class needs or uses no more than the operations listed in the
SPECIFICATION - Attributes and operation signatures
Object visibility
general it is better to limit the number of parameters passed in a message to
no more than three .Ideally an operation should be capable of specification in
no more than one page.
Volatility. A good design will be stable in response to changes in
requirements. It is reasonable to expect some change in the design if the
requirements are changed. However, any change in the design should be
commensurate with the change in requirements. Enforcing encapsulation is a key
factor in producing stable systems.
Two type’s implementation diagrams in UML
terminology are
Component diagrams
Deployment diagrams
In a large project there will be
many files that make up the system. These files will have dependencies on one
another. The nature of these dependencies will depend on the language or
languages used for the development and may exist at compile-time, at link-time
or at run-time. There are also dependencies between source code files and the
executable files or byte code files that are derived from them by compilation.
Component diagrams are one of the two types of implementation diagram in UML.
Component diagrams show these dependencies b/n software components in the
system. Stereotypes can be used to show dependencies that are specific to
particular languages also.
A component diagram shows the
allocation of classes and objects to components in the physical design of a
system. A components diagram may represent all or part of the component
architecture of a system along with dependency relationships.
The dependency
relationship indicates that one entity in a components diagram uses the
services or facilities of another.
Dependencies in the
component diagram represent compilation dependencies.
The dependency relationship
may also be used to show calling dependencies among components, using
dependency arrows from components to interfaces on other components.
authors use component diagrams in different ways
Here we have the
following distinction b/n them
Components in a component
diagram should be the physical components of a system.
During analysis and the early
stages of design, package can be used to show the logical grouping of class
diagrams or of models that use other kinds of diagrams into packages relating
to sub-systems.
During implementation,
package diagrams can be used to show the grouping of physical components into
If component
diagrams are used, it is better to keep separate sets of diagrams to show
compile-time and run-time dependencies, however, this is likely to result in a
large number of diagrams. Component diagrams show the components as types. If
you wish to show instances of components of components you can use a deployment
1 comment:
The Travel Cloud Suite flight booking system streamlines your airline booking process, boosting income. It is made for online travel firms to make it simple for users to book flights, allowing them to search and do so immediately. Users can choose their favourite seat and be informed as the booking progresses.
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