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  3. PPT of Airline reservation system project report

Web airline service is arguably the most exciting and airline reservation innovate features of Microsoft's. NET initiative and airline reservation the BSc computer science projecty are likely to book flight profoundly affect the way business interact using free download computer application. List of possible Web airline services is as varies as the list of possible business opportunities. Web airline service would typically perform a ticket booking core business airline service such as user authentication, credit card validation, pricing a ticket booking derivates security, placing a ticket booking purchase order for BCA project synopsis a ticket booking stock or or pricing a ticket booking same-day shipment.

A TICKET BOOKING web airline service is a ticket booking component that project report performs a ticket booking function or or airline service. A TICKET BOOKING component is a ticket booking piece of software that project report has a ticket booking well-defined interface, hidden internals, and airline reservation the BSc computer science project capability of being discovered. By "discovered" means that project report you can determine what the component does without needing to book flight see the code within it. A TICKET BOOKING component is similar to book flight a ticket booking method since we can call it with arguments that project report fit a ticket booking set of parameters, and airline reservation it has the capability of returning results.

A TICKET BOOKING web airline service may also return information to book flight the caller. This airline ticket reservation airline service resides somewhere on the BSc computer science project Web and airline reservation can be accessed from the complete php source code and other locations on the BSc computer science project Web. For BCA project synopsis this airline ticket reservation airline service to book flight be called, there are a ticket booking number of elements that project report must be in place. First, the caller must know how to book flight call the free BSc CS project airline service. Second, the call must be made across the Web. Finally, the web airline service must know how to book flight respond.

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Visual Studio .Net is the rapid application development tool for BCA project synopsis BASIC. Visual Studio .Net offers complete integration with ASP.NET and airline reservation enables to book flight drag and airline reservation drop server controls and airline reservation design Web Forms as they should appear when user views them. Some of the project documentation other advantages of creating BASIC applications in Visual Studio .Net are Visual Studio .Net is a ticket booking Rapid Application (RAD) tool. Instead of adding each control to book flight the Web Form programmatically, it helps to book flight add these controls by using free download toolbox, saving programming efforts. Visual Studio .Net supports custom and airline reservation composite controls. Can create custom controls that project report encapsulate a ticket booking common functionality that project report might need to book flight use in a ticket booking number of applications.

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Visual Studio .Net does a ticket booking wonderful job of simplifying the java source code creation and airline reservation consumption of Web Airline services. Mush of the project documentation programmer-friendly stuff (creating all the free BSc CS project XML-based documents) happens automatically, without much effort on the BSc computer science project programmer's side. Attribute-based programming is a ticket booking powerful concept that project report enables Visual Studio .Net to book flight automate a ticket booking lot of programmer-unfriendly tasks. The .NET Framework provides a ticket booking set of tools that project report help to book flight build code that project report works with the .NET Framework. Microsoft provides a ticket booking set of languages that project report are already .NET compatible. BASIC is one of those languages.
Active Server Pages were released by Microsoft to book flight enable the creation of dynamic pages based on user input and airline reservation interaction with a ticket booking Web site. ASP.NET improves upon the BSc computer science project original ASP by providing code-behind. with ASP.NET and airline reservation code-behind, the code and airline reservation HTML can be separated.

ASP.NET Web airline services are XML-based airline services that project report are exposed on the BSc computer science project Internet that project report can be accessed by other Web airline services and airline reservation Web airline service java clients.
ASP.NET is more than the next version of Active Server Pages (ASP); it is a ticket booking unified Web development platform that project report provides the airline services necessary for BCA project synopsis developers to book flight build enterprise-class Web applications. While ASP.NET is largely syntax compatible with ASP, it also provides a ticket booking new programming model and airline reservation infrastructure for BCA project synopsis more secure, scalable, and airline reservation stable applications.

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ASP.NET is a ticket booking compiled, .NET-based environment; you can author applications in any .NET compatible language, including VisualBasic.NET, BASIC, and airline reservation JScript.NET. Additionally, the entire .NET Framework is available to book flight any ASP.NET application. Developers can easily access the benefits of these technologies, which include the managed common language runtime environment, type safety, inheritance, and airline reservation so on.

ASP.NET has been designed to book flight work seamlessly with WYSIWYG HTML editors and airline reservation other programming tools, including Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. Not only does this airline ticket reservation make Web development easier, but it also provides all the free BSc CS project benefits that project report these tools have to book flight offer, including a ticket booking GUI that project report developers can use to book flight drop server controls onto a ticket booking Web page and airline reservation fully integrated debugging support. Developers can choose from the complete php source code and the following two features when creating an IT MCA project report ASP.NET application, Web Forms and airline reservation Web airline services, or or combine these in any way they see fit.  

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Web Forms allows you to book flight build powerful forms-based Web pages. When building the java source codese pages, you can use ASP.NET server controls to book flight and create common Ul elements, and airline reservation program them for BCA project synopsis common tasks. These controls allow you to book flight rapidly build a ticket booking Web Form out of reusable built-in or or custom components, simplifying the java source code code of a ticket booking page.

An IT MCA project report XML Web airline service provides the means to book flight access server functionality remotely.  As the illustration shows, all Web Administrators communicate with ASP.NET applications through IIS. IIS deciphers and airline reservation optionally authenticates the request. If java and Anonymous is turned on, no authentication occurs. IIS also finds the requested resource (such as an IT MCA project report ASP.NET application), and airline reservation, if java and the PHP client is authorized returns the appropriate resource.

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In addition to book flight the built-in ASP.NET security features, an IT MCA project report ASP.NET application can use the low-level security features of the project documentation .NET Framework.
Use a ticket booking language modeled on C++ syntax, immediately familiar to book flight C++ and airline reservation. Java developers, as well as intuitive new language constructs that project report greatly. simplify development tasks.

Employ code to book flight call native Windows APIs, use pre-built COM components, and airline reservation leverage existing ActiveX controls to book flight seamlessly integrate existing applications and airline reservation components.

Take advantage of inherent support for BCA project synopsis properties, indexers, delegates, single and airline reservation multidimensional arrays, advanced inheritance, attributes, versioning, and airline reservation XML comments.

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ASP .NET includes a ticket booking powerful remote and airline reservation multi-language debugger, enabling developers to book flight test applications and airline reservation build reliable multi-tier solutions that project report span process boundaries and airline reservation are written in multiple programming languages.

Gain mature and airline reservation powerful, built-in functionality, including a ticket booking rich set of collection classes, networking support, multithreading support, string and airline reservation regular expression classes, and airline reservation broad support for BCA project synopsis XML, XML schemas, XML namespaces, XSLT, XPath, and airline reservation SOAP.

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Create Web-based solutions in C# using free download the java source code shared Web Forms Designer and airline reservation XML Designer. Developers can also use IntelliSense features and airline reservation tag completion or or choose the WYSIWYG editor for BCA project synopsis drag-and airline reservation-drop authoring to book flight build interactive Web applications. 

Microsoft designed VB from the complete php source code and the ground up to book flight take advantage of its new .NET Framework. The .NET Framework is made up of four parts, the Common Language Runtime, a ticket booking set of class libraries, a ticket booking set of programming languages, and airline reservation the BSc computer science project ASP.NET environment. The .NET Framework was designed with three goals in mind. First, it was intended to book flight make Windows applications much more reliable, while also providing an IT MCA project report application with greater degree of security.

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Second, it was intended to book flight simplify the development of Web applications and airline reservation airline services that project report not only work in the source code traditional sense, but on mobile devices as well. Lastly, the framework was designed to book flight provide a ticket booking single set of libraries that project report would work with multiple languages. The .NET Framework is the infrastructure for BCA project synopsis the new Microsoft .NET Platform. And airline reservation it is a ticket booking common environment for BCA project synopsis building, deploying, and airline reservation running Web applications and airline reservation Web Airline services. The .NET Framework contains a ticket booking common language runtime and airline reservation common class libraries -like ADO .NET, ASP .NET and airline reservation Windows Forms - to book flight provide advanced standard airline services that project report can be integrated into a ticket booking variety of computer systems. The .NET Framework provides a ticket booking feature-rich application environment, simplified development and airline reservation easy integration between a ticket booking number of different development languages. The .NET Framework is language neutral. Currently it supports C++, C#, Visual Basic, and airline reservation Jscript. Microsoft's Visual Studio.NET is a ticket booking common development environment for BCA project synopsis the new .NET Framework.

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IIS is the web server is used here. IIS 5.0 or or above is essential for BCA project synopsis the ASP.NET for BCA project synopsis the environment.This airline ticket reservation release of ASP.NET uses IIS 5.0 as the priKim host environment.

IIS always assumes that project report a ticket booking set of credentials maps to book flight a ticket booking Windows NT account and airline reservation uses them to book flight authenticate a ticket booking user. There are three different kinds of authentication available in IIS 5.0: BASIC, DIGEST, and airline reservation INTEGRATED WINDOWS Authentication (NTLM or or Kerberos). You can select the type of authentication to book flight use in the source code IIS administrative airline services..

If java and you request a ticket booking URL containing an IT MCA project report ASP.NET application, the request and airline reservation authentication information are handed off to book flight the application. ASP.NET provides the two additional types of authentication described in the source code following table.

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