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PROJECT TITLE        :  


The main purpose of this project is to estimate some important statistics of Micro insurance in the current market of India by gathering and analyzing data which is available. The statistics will be useful to prepare better insurance plans to boost up the Life Insurance industry in India.


a)    Admin module: This module allows only registered members to log in and manage the users and article.
b)   Registered users module: This module allows to known the premium details of the users and product details.
c)    Public user’s module: This module generates reports giving information about the insurance and statical information.


Operating System : Windows
Application type  : Web Application
Development IDE : Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 with Dot Net Framework 2.0
Development tool : Visual C#.Net
Database              : Microsoft SQL Server 2000


1.1.2 Purpose of the System

This web site is an online micro insurance Analysis and information management system that provides easy access of information regarding the people and resources of insurance. This site is not a static site but with wonderful dynamic facilities like search tools for insurance awareness articles, guidelines, illustrations through images for visitors. This site also provides several dynamic features.

1.1.3 Scope of the Developed System

The developed system is applicable to only MIRC to provide online services to its member organizations.

 1.1.4 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Micro Insurance Resource Center, India
The proposed web site

Member institutions and related persons
Website, the outcome of the development
A non registered person who can access only general information in the web site
A registered user/associate
Web Pages
Static or dynamic pages present in the web site
Hypertext Markup Language. A language used to describe the structure of documents on the web.
Q & A
An abbreviation for "Question and Answer."
Refers to one of the units of the whole web related technologies that is involved in a certain aspect of the project.
Universal link
Common link in all pages


       2.1 Problem Statement

The developed system should allow admin users to register insured persons with their name, date of birth, residence address, medical history and also policy details. After registering all the insured persons, website should provide management facilities like delete unwanted persons’ data. And also should provide awareness to the visitors about micro insurance through articles.

2.2  Present System

Most of the micro insurance organizations are not having any existing fully computerized system and they are managing the information in the form of Excel spread sheets. Data of agents, Insured persons, Policy details, insurers’ list, TPA s (third party Administrators) data, etc are maintained using Excel sheets.

The system has the following drawbacks.
·        Every member organization has its own data structure
·        Due to lack of centralized data structure, it is very difficult to merge the data to analyze the statistics
·        Difficult to search for a data
·        Possibility of duplicates, etc

         2.3 Proposed System

The proposed system (phase-1) provides easy solution for the above and some other problems by providing a common and centralized database structure for all members. The developed website provides the following facilities to the admin users.

1.     Common Database system with common data structure
2.     Registrations of insured persons
3.     Insured Person search
4.     Manage insured/Registered persons
5.     Content Management (Articles)



The main objective of the developed system is to allow admin users to register insured persons with their name, date of birth, residence address, medical history and also policy details. After giving registering all the insured persons, website should provide management facilities like delete unwanted persons’ data. And also should provide awareness to the visitors about micro insurance through articles.


                 3.1.1Software Requirements

This web site requires the following software in Server (computer), clients (computers)

Server-side Requirements

Operation System          : Windows 2003
Web Server          : IIS 6.0(Internet Information Server)
Framework           : ASP.NET 2.x frame work enabled
Database              : SQL Server 2000/2005
Minimum Space   : 1GB (including Database space) and may grow                                 depends on the  Customer information

Client-side Requirements

Browser : Any HTML 4.0 or prior version compliant browser with a Minimum Screen resolution of 800X600 pixels (best   ewed in 1024 x 768 resolution).
          JavaScript     : JavaScript should be enabled in the browser

              3.1.2 Hardware Requirements

The following is a list of minimum requirements on server side

Processor             : Pentium III
Speed                             : 1.0 GHz
Memory               : 256MB RAM
Hard Disk            : 40GB Hard disk with minimum 4GB free                                            space
Interface               : Mouse, Keyboard

On client side any hardware that can run a web browser.


                   3.2.1 Product Requirements

This web site is an online Micro Insurance Management System that provides the following features in this phase-1.

·        Micro Insurance Awareness
·        Login to admin members
·        Insured persons’ registrations and management
·        Awareness Articles management

Visitor Services
·        Articles
·        About Website
·        Contact Information

Member Services
·        Login
·        Change-password (to remind the forgotten password)
·        Insured Registrations & management
·        Search for insured persons
·        Article Management

3.1.2    User Requirements

The web site provides easy links for easy navigation (browse) in the site. A visitor with minimum knowledge of web browsing/surfing can access the site very easily. Due to dynamic nature of features, the members, Admin members should be able to understand the provided facilities. An online help documentation will be provided to help the users and visitors in using the facilities.

3.1.3    Performance Requirements

The following performance requirements should be maintained in the project.
·        Each page in the site needs to load in a reasonable amount of time.
·       Latest web techniques like Caching should be implemented to speed up the loading of dynamic pages. This will also improve on the number of simultaneous users, as connections are freed faster.

3.2      Quality Attributes

The following quality attributes should be maintained in the project.


The site's maintainability will depend on clean, easy-to-read pages. Being a Dynamic Site we need to generate the dynamic output clean and well formatted


The site should be accessible to as many browsers as possible; including text browsers.


The reliability of the website depends on the web server it will be hosted on, and also on LOGIN mechanisms.


All the necessary steps has been taken to provide security to the site by following the latest technology because all the data of all members is proprietary data of the Client’s Organization and its members (Visitors and members)



4.1.1    Functional Feasibility

The proposed/developed system is a web application and does not require any additional software requirements except hosting. A web hosting company hosts the web application in their web servers. Any client (end-user) with an internet connection and a web browsing software (at client side) can immediately start accessing/using the system. So, the system does not need any installation/setup procedure. Hence, the system is functionally feasible.

4.1.2    Economic Feasibility

Author (project stakeholder) does not need to purchase any software and hardware to host the developed system. Web hosting companies purchase and maintain all necessary hardware and software for hosting the websites. Author has to pay only hosting charges to the hosting company. When it comes to the end-user, he/she does not need to purchase any software to use the website. Now-a-days every computer’s operating system is providing built in web browser and so many web browsing software products are available in the market for free.

Only the cost that the author should bare is cost of development. Before starting the development, the development team estimates cost of development depends on the features asked by the client. If any new features to be added as per the new requirements of the client, cost of new additions are submitted to the client and after getting the confirmation from the client the new features will be added by the development team. Development team will take care of in-time delivery of the project to avoid excess cost of development due to delay.

Hence, the proposed system is economically feasible.

4.1.3    Technical feasibility

This is about acceptance of the new system by the existing end-users and employees of the system and author. The website is aiming at employees and now-a-days all of them are aware of web browsing. If any person does not have any idea of web browsing, he/she will be trained to use the system with in one hour time. So, the system can easily be accepted by any kind of end-user. Hence the proposed system is technically feasible.


4.2.1    User Personas and Characteristics

This section gives some examples of probable users of the site.

Siva Kumar a visitor seeking awareness of Insurance.

Rahul, a representative from one of the member institutions of the Insurance, visiting the website to register their members’ information in the website.

Pallavi, a Insurance consultant who is trying to see the statistics provided in the website.

Hari, searching for a insurance consultant to see advice.

Ramarao, member of governing council who is trying to see statistics of the website.

4.2.2    Product Perspective

This web site is an online Micro Insurance Management System that provides the following features in this phase-1.

·        Insurance Awareness
·        Login to admin members
·        Awareness Articles management

Visitor Services
·        Articles
·        About Website
·        Contact Information

Member Services
·        Login
·        Change-password (to remind the forgotten password)
·        Insured Registrations management
·        Article Management

4.2.3    Overview of Data Requirements

At the time of registration a data entry admin user should provide adequate information about the insured person like personal details, residence details, medical history, policy details and policy maximums.

4.2.4    General Constraints, Assumptions Dependencies, Guidelines

The web site provides easy links for easy navigation (browse) in the site. A user with minimum knowledge of web browsing/surfing can access the site very easily. But, due to dynamic nature of the website the user should be able to understand the system and tools provided.

If a user feels any difficulty in understanding any feature, he/she can go through the help provided in different levels.

Also, if any user is unable to find required information in the web site, he/she can contact the Experts using ASK page.

The browser at client side should enable Java script, because of implementation of java-based client side technology. For the browsers, in which java script is disabled, a page will be displayed to explain the procedure to enable java script.

4.2.5    User View of Product Use

Mr. Sravani, a visitor trying to check his stress level and seeks suggestions from the System can do the following activities in the website

·        Submits registration
·        Contacts expert for suggestion using Ask-Expert service

Mrs. Ragini, a registered member of the website can do the following activities

·        Records responses to the questionnaires
·        Gets reports and guidelines
·        Goes through the management articles
·        Compares and analyses the previous audits



UML is a latest concept of presenting various diagrams of a project. UML stands for Unified Modeling Language.

The purpose of this section is to show the following type of conceptual/logical diagrams of the proposed project.

·        Data Flow diagram of the project
·        Use case diagrams
·        Activity diagrams

Data flow diagram explains the overall view of utilization of user’s data in different levels/modules of the project.  Use case diagrams explain main entities and their features. Activity diagrams explain the main activities/processes present in the project.


5.3.1 Table Name: tblInsured

Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
InsuredID                                int                         PK
Name                                                varchar (50)         NOT NULL
Gender                                     varchar (7)           NOT NULL
DOB                                        datetime               NOT NULL
FEnterDate                                       datetime               NULL
FExitDate                                datetime               NULL
Industry                                   varchar (50)         NOT NULL
Occupation                                       varchar (50)         NOT NULL
Block                                                varchar (50)                   NOT NULL
Village                                     varchar (50)         NOT NULL
District                                    varchar (50)                   NOT NULL
State                                        varchar (50)         NOT NULL
pin                                           varchar (7)                     NOT NULL
NomineeName                         varchar (50)         NOT NULL
NomineeRelation                     varchar (50)         NOT NULL
NomineeAge                            numeric(3)            NULL

5.3.2 Table Name: tblMedicalHistory

Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
SNo                                         int                         PK
InsuredID                                int                         NULL
DDate                                      datetime               NOT NULL
Disease                                    varchar (100)       NOT NULL

5.3.3 Table Name: tblPolicyDetails
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
PolicyNumber                         varchar (20)                   PK
InsuredID                                int                         NOT NULL
Insurer                                     varchar (50)         NOT NULL
TPA                                         varchar (50)         NOT NULL
TypeOfCover                          varchar (30)         NOT NULL
EffectiveDate                           datetime               NOT NULL
ExpiryDate                                       datetime               NOT NULL
PremiumRate                           numeric(10,2)       NULL
PremiumMode                         varchar (30)         NULL
Maternity                                varchar (1)           NULL
BabyCover                                        varchar (1)           NULL
BabyCoverDaysStart              numeric(3 0)         NULL
PreHospiDays                         numeric(1)            NOT NULL
PostHospiDays                       numeric(1)            NOT NULL
PolicyMax                               numeric(10,2)       NOT NULL
PolicyDeductible                     numeric(10,2)       NOT NULL

5.3.4 Table Name: tblPolicyMaximums
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
PolicyNumber                         varchar (20)         NOT NULL
OPMax                                    numeric(10,2)       NULL
AmbulanceMax                       numeric(10,2)       NULL
CheckUpMax                          numeric(10,2)       NULL
RoomMax                               numeric(10,2)       NULL
Nursing                                   numeric(10,2)       NULL
IcuMax                                    numeric(10,2)       NULL
OperatingRoomMax               numeric(10,2)       NULL
DoctorChargesMax                 numeric(10,2)       NULL
DrugsMax                               numeric(10,2)       NULL
InvestigationMax                              numeric(10,2)       NULL
DiagMax                                 numeric(10,2)       NULL
ConsumablesMax                             numeric(10,2)       NULL
OthersMax                              numeric(10,2)       NULL

5.3.5 Table Name: MasterIndustries
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
Industry                                   varchar (50)                   PK

5.3.6 Table Name: MasterInsurers
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
Insurer                                     varchar (50)                   PK

5.3.7 Table Name: MasterOccupations
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
Occupation                                       varchar (50)                   PK

5.3.8 Table Name: MasterRelations
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
Relation                                   varchar (50)                   PK

5.3.9 Table Name: MasterStates
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
State                                        varchar (50)                   PK

5.3.10 Table Name: MasterTPA
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
TPA                                         varchar (50)                   PK

5.3.11 Table Name: Articles
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
sno                                          int                         PK
title                                          varchar (50)         NOT NULL
fname                                      varchar (255)       NOT NULL

5.3.12 Table Name: tblSuperAdmin
Column Name                         Data Type            Constraint
UserID                                    varchar (20)                   Primary Key
Password                                 varchar (20)                   NOT NULL


                               Testing is the major quality measure employed during the software engineering development. Its basic function is to detect error in the software. Testing is necessary for the proper functioning of the system. Testing has to be done at four levels

ü Unit Testing

                            Unit testing focuses verification effort  on the smallest unit of the software ,design the module. Here ,using  the detail design as a guide ,important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. Unit testing is always white-box oriented, and the step can be conducted  in parallel for multiple modules.                          .

ü Integration Testing

                            Integration testing is a systematic  technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors , associated with interfacing .The objective is to take the unit tested modules  and build program structure that has been directed by the design.


ü Validation Testing

                           Validation testing demonstrates the traces the requirements of the software .This can be achieved through a series of black box tests.


ü System Testing

                           System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully exercise the computer-based system . Although  each test has a different purpose, all works should verify that all system elements have been properly integrated and perform allocated functions. The various tests include recovery testing , stress testing , perform testing.

 Maintenance and Implementation

ü Corrective maintenance

                            This acts to correct errors that are uncovered after the software is in use.

ü Adaptive Maintenance

                            This is applied when changes is the external environment precipitate modifications to software.

ü Preventive maintenance

                             This improves future maintainability and reliability and provides basis for future enhancements.

Section ID: L

Test Case: Mandatory test (Unit test)
Main Test case ID
Element Name
User ID

Test Result
Test case id
Element Name
Element Type
Expected result
Actual Result
Test Result
User ID
-no input-
Displays error
Error displayed

No error
No error
-no input-
Displays error
Error displayed


***** (password “hello” is entered)
Data should not be displayed, but only * characters
Data is not displayed but only * characters are displayed


After finishing the requirements for phase-1 of the development the remaining estimated modules will be developed. The following enhancements may be added to the existing modules.

·        Add new Administrators
·        Enhancement of search options after completion of the pahse-2

These features are estimated depends upon the requirements of the client in phase-2. So, these modifications require completion of the pahse-2 development of the project.


The developed project fulfills the website facilities estimated for pahse-1 development and as per all the currently addressed requirements of the client (stakeholder). 

Development team will provide

·        Uploading and trail running of the website.
·        Plan to avoid/handle unexpected damages
·        Probable list of modifications that will guide the pahse-2 development of the project.


1. Ian Somerville, Principles of Software Engineering ,4  Edition .

2.      Roger S. Pressman ,Software Engineering – A  Practitioner’s  Approach .

3.      IEEE,  IEEE Software Standards , IEEE  Press ,1989 .

4.      Net Framework Essentials  By O’Really

        5.  Beginning ASP.Net  By Wrox Publishing
                                                               (VB.Net & ASP.Net &C#)

        6.  MS SQL Server    By                Wrox & Microsoft Press.

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