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Free download management system project documentation with JAVA, PHP AND ASP.NET source code. In all project report you will get introduction and objective of the project, system analysis, feasibility study, project planning, DFD diagram, system design, database design, complete project coding, and ER diagram of the project. These project reports and synopsis are useful for BCA, MCA BSC CS, MSC IT B.TECH, M.TECH and BE computer science last year students IGNOU, SMU university final year projects

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               The existing system in the organization is maintained in FOXPRO. The daily billing of the vehicle is calculated and stored the Product billing is also is maintained. That deals with selling of the Products in the concern. These two kinds of billing is only handled at present.

                The details of customer, stock details, sales details, vehicle details, service details are maintained manually which includes lots of  stress and tension on the concern side.


               The proposed system has been developed to overcome on the difficulties in manual maintenance and billing maintenance on the FOXPRO.
               To solve the problem faced it if it has to switch over the proposed system. If modernized or computerized, the concern gets the full advantage.
Instead of having so many section and so many people for each & every section, it is enough to have only one person to do all works in a computer. So the concern save space, time, money and the like.
               The details of the customer are maintained with the sales details etc., the designing can be done in a perfect manner of the stock maintained system. The manual work is replaced by the system wide specification. The stock details are also maintained for future reference these are the advantages of the proposed system.
              In the long run, this system minimizes the expenses of the concern to the maximum extents; each and every work can be done perfectly and neatly with
the proposed system. All data-regarding all the work can be stored in a floppy disk. All the forms will be readily available in a neat format and can be filled up with in a seconds. Any information can be obtained at any time easily, accurately and when necessary. It can be changed, modified or updated. So many facilities like the above are available in the proposed system. All the works can be done within a fraction of seconds. Thus it fulfills the objectives of the system. Not only this but also some more advantages are listed below.
Ø  Accuracy
Ø  Privacy
Ø  Security
Ø  Time consumption


            The main objective of the feasibility study is to test the technical,                              economical and operational feasibility of developing a computer system. This is done by investigating the existing system in the area under investigation and generating ideas about a new system.
Technical feasibility
            The technical feasibility must be base on an outline design of system requirements. This project can run on any system, which is installed in windows        platform. The current set up is sufficient for the processing of my project every day.

Economic feasibility
           Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a candidate system. The execution time is lesser compared to the current software. And it has the more efficient one, because it gives the security of the data. It has less expensive for cost.

 Operational feasibility
          The proposed system will full fill the organization requirements. That is whether the proposed system covers all aspects of the working system and whether it has considerable all the departments that are included in the organization; themselves have made to establish the financial management system.   

2.4 Objective of the system
Ø  Computerization for accuracy
Ø  To avert losses
Ø  To increase the profit ratio
Ø  To save space
Ø  To facilitate the work easy
Ø  For time consumption


3.1Database Design

         A Database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum      redundancy to serve many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective of
Database is to make information access easy, quickly, inexpensive and flexible for the user. The Database of Two Dealer Management System consists of tables and data are successfully maintained. The table can consist of
1. Table name: Customer Master
        This table consists of customer name, address, pin code, customer code, District, phone number, city Name, State, cell no.
2. Table name: Vehicle stock
        This table consists of vehicle code, number of vehicles, price, engine no, and chasses no.
3. Table name: Vehicle sales
        This table consists of customer name, Bill No, color, total amount, engine number, price, extra fitting charges, proposed date, selling date.
4. Table name: Vehicle purchase
        This table consists of invoice no, date, supplier name, address, engine no, phone number, Amount.
5. Table name: Bank Master
        This table consists of Bank name and Account holder name and O.Balance.,
6.Table name : Vehicle Master

3.2 Report Design
         Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user, Efficient, intelligible outputs design should improve the systems relationship with the user and help in decision making. Major form of output is a hard copy from the printer. Printouts should be designed around the output requirement of the user. The outputs depend on the factors such as compatibility, response time requirement, expected print quality and number of copies needed.
               Reports are stated under the following headings

1.      Day Book Report.
2.      Expenses Report.
3.      Vehicle Physical Stock.
4.      Vehicle Purchase Report.
5.      Vehicle Sales Report.
6.      Ledger Report.
7.      Out Standing Balance Report


The computerized DEALER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM has the following modules:
                         1. Master maintenance
                         2. Transactions
                         3. Reports
1. Master maintenance
                 Master maintenance has several modules viz customer details, vehicle details, and stock details.
           This module is used to enter the personal details of each customer and their company. Four buttons are used namely add, save, cancel, modify, exit and connection to the sales form.
           After entering the data save button is pressed. This button stores all the data in the database. To come out of this module exit button is used.
           Company maintains the stock. Four buttons are used add, save, modify, delete and to save the sales details. Company maintains the stock details company is computerized.

2. Transaction
           Transaction has several modules via sales details, purchase details, accounts details. This module is used to enter the dealing with company to customer. Company rule explains the sales details of each customer. Any discounts, not only for special Deepavali, Pongal, Christmas, New Year and Ramzan. Customer purchases the Vehicle so any customer not full payment the amount. It pays the half amount. Company maintains the finance. Company announces the half payment of each customer pay the amount in particular date.

3. Reports
            There are Seven Type of important Reports were designed by user required they are:
1. Day Book Report.
2. Expenses Report.
3. Vehicle Physical Stock.
4. Vehicle Purchase Report.
5. Vehicle Sales Report.
6. Ledger Report.
7. Out Standing Balance Report

All Reports can be Printed  with Laser Printer and Dot Matrix Printer  Printing Methodology is used by  Excel Export Method .


The scope of the project two Dealer Management System deals with, stock details, sales details, customer details, purchase details Billing and Reports
In Order to overcome the difficulties in the existing system, the proposed Two Dealer Management Systemis developed.

The designing of the various modules are setup and data are collected before the designing starts.

Before computerized the proposed Dealer Management system gathers all possible Two Wheeler Motor System details for each customer, sales, stock and group these details based on the occurrence. Then Design the file structure to maintain the above information.

After designing the file structures and screen layout, programs are developed to maintain the Two Dealer Management System details.

Various reports are generated as per the requirements of the user.

After developed of the system it is tested and implement in a successful manner.


Processor                 :      Pentium 1V

Clock Speed            :      2 GHZ

Display Adapter      :      845GLLY

Hard Disk Capacity :      40GB

ROM                       :       52 MB ROM

RAM                       :       32 MB RAM

Ports                        :       COM & LPT

Printer used             :       EPSON STYLUS COLOR 460

Virtual Memory      :        32 Bit       


Front End                :         Visual Basic 6.0

Back End                :          Ms-Access

Operating System   :          Windows XP



Visual Basic 6 is an application developed tool used in developing
Client/server application. Before beginning with Visual Basic 6, Let’s have
a look at the client/server architecture.

The ‘Visual’ part refers to the method used to create the graphical user interface (GUI). Rather then writing numerous lines of code to describe the appearance and location of interface elements, you simply add object in to place on screen. If you’ve ever used a drawing program such as points, you already have most of the skills necessary to create an effective user interface.


User interface:

Visual Basic 6 is an application development tool developed from the
BASIC language. Basic language is a widely used language that. Provides a simply syntax. As the name suggest, A visual Basic application is developed usually. You can developed  graphical user interface using existing objects
With out writing numerous line of code

Data Access:

The data access option of visual Basic allows you to create database as an application for various database format such as Microsoft SOL server.

Application Development:

Using Visual Basic 6, you can create event driven application. In a visual Basic application, code is executed in response to events. This is
Different from a procedure application in which the code is executed according to specific path defined by the logic of an application.

Another application development feature of Visual Basic is the powerful set of built-in controls that are provided for creating windows-based application,  for example, command button, check box.
These controls provided for user interface without requiring complex programming.

You can Dynamic-link routine in application. A DLL is a set of procedure that are external to an application, and can be called from within application when require. They are linked to the application at run time, as they not bound to the executable file.Visual Basic can routines from windows operating system SDK. Active components help you in using reusing the code in application. Visual Basic also provides a setup wizard, which is used to prepare and application for distribution.

Internet oriented:
Visual Basic 6 lets you develop internet-aware application.


Menu Bar
Toolbox Window:
Display the controls.

Form Window:
Display the form that holds and which is useful for developing the user interface.

Project Explorer Window:
Has list of all the forms and modules.

Standard Toolbar:
Display the frequently used commands in the form of buttons.

Code editor:
Where a code is written.

Form Layouts Window:

Allows to usually position the form at design time.

Object Browser:
Has list of all object, their methods and properties.

Context Menus:
A shortcut menu with frequently performed action. It can be display by right clicking on the object.

Immediate, locals and watch windows: These  additional windows are provided for use in debugging your application. They are only available when you are running within the IDE.
NOTE: you can customize the IDE using the tools ->option command.


A standards EXE project contains form, controls and code modules. Each of these components has its own file associated with it. Let’s  have look at the file created for each Visual Basic Standard EXE project. the basic building block of Visual Basic application is a form.
Forms are used to accept a data from the user and the displayed data.  The user interact with the application through the form.

You can add controls to the form, controls are object that enabled you to perform tracks such as accepting input data, displaying data and selecting an option. Each  form has an .FRM file  associated with it. It contains details of the form, code and the controls in the form. A visual Basic application has an extension.

VBP (Visual Basic Project). It contains a list of all components in the application. In an application, you can procedure that can be accessed and used by various modules. These are called as standard module.

A standard module has function , procedure and variables. It has an extension .BAS. when the application is complied as an executable, it gets an extension .EXE. End  users executed the EXE file to run the application. A .FRM file is created for a form automatically when  you the graphic properties  or controls. You can create obect-oriented application for which you define classes that have properties and methods. The code for these is stored in files with extension .CLS.


An object is an independent unit that contains code and data. An object has properties, method and events associated with it. There are two types of object in visual Basic.

A form is a system –defined object. You can add one or more object to an application.

Controls are object that you place on a form.

Properties are attributes with an object. They define the appearance and behavior of the object. Properties can be change according to the application requirements. The property values are stored along with object.
Example: Name  property of any control identifies the controls or form uniquely.

Methods provide functionally to an object. Methods are action or tasks that can be performed on or by an object.
Example: I lied method of the form hides form.

Events are procedure that are executed in response to action performed by the user, operating system, or othe5r, or other object is an application.
Code is return for that events to provide functionally.
Example: Click event for a command gets triggered when you click on the button.


 Control categories:
          Such as the command buttons and frame controls. These controls are contained inside the visual basic .EXE files. Intrinsic controls are always included in the toolbox unlike ActiveX controls and insatiable object, which can be removed from or added to the toolbox.

ActiveX  Control:
         Which exists as separate file with an .ocx file name extension. These include controls that are available in all edition of visual basic(data combo, data list control, and so on)and those that are available only in the professional and enterprise edition(such as list toolbar, animation, and tabbed dialogue).many third-party ActiveX controls are available.

           Controls with the .VBX filename  extension see older technology and are found in application written in earlier version of visual basic. When visual basic opens a project containing a .VBX controls, the default behavior is to replace the .VBX controls with an .OCX controls, but only if an .OCX version of the controls is available. See “updating older version of the visual basic controls” later in this chapter for information on updating controls to the .OCX format.

Insatiable object:
           Such as Microsoft Excel Worksheet object containing a list of all your companies employees or a Microsoft Project calendar object containing the scheduling information for a project. Since these object also support Automation (formerly called OLE Automation) which allows you to program another application object from within a Visual Basic application. See “Programming with object “, for more information on automation.


DAO- Data access objects

            DAO enable you to use a programming language to access and manipulate data in local or remote database and to manage databases, their object, and their structure. DAO supports two different database environments, or “workspaces”. Microsoft jet workspace allows you to access data in Microsoft jet data base, Microsoft jet connected ODBC database, and installable ISAM data sources in other formats, such as formats, such paradox or lotus 1-2-3.

ADO-ActiveX data objects:

ADO is designed as an easy-to-use application level interface to microsoft’s
Newest and most powerful data access, OLE DB. OLE DB provide high performance access to any data source, including relational non relational database, E-mail and file system text and graphics, custom business object and more. ADO is implemented for minimal number of layers between the front end and data source all to provide a lightweight, high performance interface and ADO and RDO with simplified semantics that make it easy to learn.

RDO-Remote data object:

RDO and collection provide a framework for using code to create and manipulate components of a remote ODBA database system. It provides an information model for accessing remote data sources through ODBC. RDO offers a set of object that make it easy to connect to a database execute queries and stored procedure, manipulate results and commit changes to the object and collection have properties that describe the characteristics of database components and methods that you use to manipulate them.
      Using the containment framework you create relationship among objects and collection, and these relationships represent the logical structure of your database system. The RDO is only supported 32-bit operating systems such as windows-95 and Windows NT.

To use the remote data objects, you must set a reference to the Microsoft Remote Data Objects 2.0 object library in the Visual Basic reference dialogue box.


An object relational database is a term used to describe a database that has evolved from the relation model into a hybrid model that contains both relational technology and object technology.  An object-oriented database is one that can store data, the relationship of the data and the behavior of the data i.e., the way it interacts with other data.

Objects are software representation of real world entities.  To capture the features and capabilities of the real world, an objects consist of both attributes and operational information.


Access is a flexible program that works for both simple and complex database programs.  It’s also a relational database, which means it lets you define relational between different types of information. (like customer and their orders) so you can use them together.  But before you get buried in lots of database let’s get going and learn as we work.


The system has been successfully implemented with the test values. At every stage of real data are fed into the system. The checklist is taken and data validation has been done. Until the data validation the data is error free.
                        Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding error. During the testing process, each section of the project has been tested separately. In the design phase errors in the procedure were found and changes were made the user requirements. We verify that all the system elements have been properly integrated and perform the allocated functions. The step involves in acceptance testing.
                         Acceptance testing involves planning and execution of various types of steps in order to demonstrate that the implemented in software system satisfies the requirement of the user. The acceptance tests have been conducted with the user to find out whether the user is satisfied with the system.

                         The system has been implemented after completing the validation required to solve the errors found. The system is being given special emphasis on menu driven model. It is needs have been taken into account and all facilities have been provided in the system.


The given project titled “DEALER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is successfully       completed and the reports are also generated. Validation is done accordingly and the system is designed to be as interactive as possible. Listing them side by side provides all necessary option, any one of the desired option can be selected and the corresponding operation is performed. Finally the system is implemented in the client (Nithya Motors,Karaikudi) place.

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