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Free download management system project documentation with JAVA, PHP AND ASP.NET source code. In all project report you will get introduction and objective of the project, system analysis, feasibility study, project planning, DFD diagram, system design, database design, complete project coding, and ER diagram of the project. These project reports and synopsis are useful for BCA, MCA BSC CS, MSC IT B.TECH, M.TECH and BE computer science last year students IGNOU, SMU university final year projects

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               This is portal based automation project, which provides communication between the various users for music items such as music CD’s/Cassettes. User can purchase their needed music item anywhere, any time just clicking their mouse. This project increases the interest of purchasing. User can easily finished their shopping through this shopping cart.

Screen design/Graphical User Interface:-

                  Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is straightforward and easy to navigate has been designed. This GUI provide various screens with appropriate incorporate icons, hyperlinks etc. to facilitate screen navigation and data entry. The user can easily add items to their cart, and they can easily remove items form the cart if they needed. The user has the ability to return to home page from any location within the application.

               The following GUI form for user interaction can be conferred in the Online Music Store” system

The “Online Music Store” is divided into three modules:

·                                             Visitor module
·                                             User module
·                                             Administration module


       If the client is a new user of the system then he performs the following tasks:

ü    New user can visit the home page of the online music site
ü    Search for a particular music item
ü    Cast his vote for a particular song
ü    View new releases
ü    For purchasing items, first the visitor has to click the register option in the client login area.
ü    The user must fill the registration form. The data are stored in to the database. It is not possible to leave any required data from the registration form.
ü    After that the visitor becomes a user and then he can enter into the shopping cart.
ü    View the Help page

                     Once the system authorizes the new client, then he can perform all the functions of the registered user.

 User: -

      If a registered user uses the following application then she/he has to perform the following tasks:

ü    First he/she has to login into the user interface which will help him/her to avail the services of the shopping cart.
ü    For the client to log in to the system it has to provide its username and password for authorization purpose.
ü    If the username and the password match with the entry in the database then the client enters the client shopping area. The client shopping area has three options to be utilized.
ü    The first option gives the client to search the list of music CD’s/Cassettes offered by the shop where the client can select the required one.
ü    The second option gives the client to add items to shopping cart.
ü    The third option gives the client to give feedback.
ü    The third option gives the client to logout from the site.

The administrator has the following privileges:

ü    Delete a particular user from the database
ü    Add particular item to the inventory list
ü    Modify the details regarding a particular music item
ü    View the report, which includes sales reports for a specified day, previous week, and previous month.
ü    View messages and feedback from the customers

         We have different types of forms available for different module. These forms are listed and explained below.

Visitor Module:

        This module has the following pages:

·                     The Home Page
·                     The Chart Toppers Page
·                     The Search Page
·                     The Vote Page
·                     The New Release Page
·                     The Register Page
·                     The Login Page

Home Page:
              The Home page of the music application will be the first page to be displayed when a person visits the music application. The page will display a welcome message and, in addition, it will display various menus to facilitate navigation through the application.

The Chart Toppers Page:
                The Chart Toppers page will display a list of the most popular songs. The popularity of the song will be decided based on the voting at the Vote Page

The Search Page:
               The Search Page will enable users to perform a search of songs based on the song categories like song name, singer name or album name.

The Vote Page:
                The Vote page of the music application will enable the user to vote for his favorite song.

The Latest Releases Page:
               The Latest Releases page of the music application will display a list of the latest songs released during the last month.

The Register Page:
              The register page will be used by visitors to register with the application. Visitors will need to provide information such as username, password, address, credit card details during registration.

The Login Page:
              To logon to the music application, visitors will provide logon information in the Login page. Whether the visitor is a user or administrator is determined based on the user name provided by the visitor. Respective home pages for the users and administrators are displayed.

User Interface Module:-

     The user interface module contains the following pages:

·                     The User Home Page
·                     The Shopping Cart Page
·                     The Wish list Page
·                     The Feedback Page
·                     The Buy Page

The User Home Page:
                   The User Home page is displayed to a user when the user logon to the music application.

The Shopping Cart Page:
                   The Shopping Cart contains the items that a user has selected for buying. The Shopping cart page of the music application will display a list of CDs, Cassettes and other music items selected by the user. Users can add the items to their wish list by clicking the check box next to the items and then clicking on the Add to Wish list button. They can also specify the quantity of the items.

The Buy Page:
                 To purchase music item, a user needs to select songs based on a search criterion. A user can search for items based on song categories and select the songs to purchase on the Buy Page.

The Wish list Page:
                     A user can move the items in the shopping cart to a wish list for later purchase. For example, if the credit limit of a user is exhausted and the user has an item in the shopping cart that he has inclined to purchase, he can put the item on the wish list and purchase the item later. The music application allows the user to view his wish list.

The Feedback Page:
            To enable users to send feedback to the eMusic World site, there is a feedback page.

Administrator Module:-

      The administrator Module has the following pages:
·                     The Delete User Page
·                     The Add Item Page
·                     The Modify Item Page
·                     The Report Page
·                     The View Wish list Page
·                     The View Messages Page

The Delete User Page:
                     An administrator can delete a user by using the Delete User page.

The Add Item Page:
                    The add Item page enables administrator to add items to inventory.

The Modify Item Page:
                     This page enables the administrator to manage and modify item details in the inventory.

The Report Pages:
                      The Music application will allow the administrator to view sales reports. The sales reports can be created for the previous week, previous month or for any particular date selected by the administrator.

The Users Wish list Page:
              This page enables the application developers to view the wish list of the users.

The View Messages Page:
                  The users can send feedback about the web site by using the Feedback Page The administrator need to be able to view these messages so that they can act on the user’s suggestions. Therefore to enable administrators to view feedback from users, a View Message page has been created.



2.1 Existing system:-

Music and music items has become an inevitable part of our life. Music is one of the greatest so others and healers of an afflicted heart. Customers obtain these music items from music stores. An existing system is nothing but a manual Music store. A manually run Music store has so many drawbacks. In such systems the customer will go to such music shops and search for a specific music CD/Cassette. If the music CD/Cassette is available then only they will purchase the same. This system has its own drawbacks.

Ø    Customer has to manually visit the music shop and need to purchase the music item they needed.

Ø    The wastage of time for searching a particular venue and a particular shop.

Ø    The wastage of money as transportation for searching a particular shop.

Ø    Manual activities involve ground work, this involves more monetary terms.


               The proposed system uses GUI framework. This system is highly user friendly because the entire programs are menu driven so that the new comer can use the software efficiently. It could be necessary to make corrections in the program depending on the changes in the system specification in future.

               This product has been mainly designed to overcome some of the problems faced with the manual system. The main problem faced was unnecessary delay. The previous system in use was also expensive and time consuming. In order to avoid unnecessary delay and minimize the flaws that existed in the previous system a follow up module for the existing system has been designed called the ‘Online Music Store’.

                           The main intention of the proposed and designed system is to automate the shopping channel between the company and the clients, and easy the user work. Through this an end user can easily purchase the needed thing from his home, or anywhere by just clicking the mouse. And it increases the mentality of shopping. This system is designed to avoid ineffective and inefficient customer service that has been recognized as the major area of focus.

 2.3 Feature of proposed system:-

Ø    The application will enable visitors to register with sites.
Ø    The application will enable visitors to perform activities such as search for music items, vote for popular music and view latest releases and chart busters.
Ø    The application will enable a registered user to select items such as CD’s and Cassettes for purchase using the shopping cart.
Ø    The application will have an administration page, which will enable administrator to maintain user detail and manage music items in inventory.
Ø    The application will allow users to search for music based on multiple keywords such as album name, music category or singer name.

2.4 Advantages of proposed system:-

Ø    Automate the communication between the users and the company.
Ø    Save the time of customer.
Ø    It provides 24 hours of facility.
Ø    Everyone can access the system those who are living in any place.
Ø    Easy the work of shopping.
Ø    Increase the shopping interest.
Ø    Decrease the time wastage.


                 All projects are feasible when given unlimited resources and infinite time. Its both necessary and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of a project at the earliest possible time. The efforts and resources spent in developing the system will be a waste if the end solution does not offer timely and satisfactory solution to its users.

                   Feasibility study is a test of system proposed regarding workability, impact on the organization ability to meet user needs, and effective use of resources. Thus when a new application is proposed, it normally goes through a feasibility study before it is approved for development.

                     Feasibility and risk analysis are related in many ways. If project risk is great, the possibility of producing quality software is reduced.

                    2.6.1 HARDWARE SPECIFICATION
                                    Processor                     :           Pentium-III
                                    Memory                       :           128MB
                                    Hard Disk                   :           20GB
                                    Floppy Drive               :           1.44MB
                                    Monitor                       :           14’’ or above
                                    Mouse                         :           Standard Mouse
                                    Key Board                  :           104 keys

                    2.6.2 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION
                                     Operating System                     :       WINDOWS 2000 Server
                                      Programming Language           :        JAVA
                                      Server Technologies                  :       J2EE (JSP, SERVLETS, JDBC)
                                      Application Server                    :       Jakarta Tomcat 4.1
                                      Database Support                      :       ORACLE 8i


3.1 Design Technique:

            Design is a multi steps process that focuses on data structure, software, software architecture, external details and interface between the modules. The design processes also translate the requirements into representation of software that can be accessed for quality before coding begins.
            Computer software designs changes continually as new methods, better analysis and broader understanding evolve. Software design is at a relatively early stage in its revolution. Therefore, software design methodology locks the depth, flexibility and quantitative nature that are normally associated with more classical engineering disciplines.
            How ever techniques for software design do exist, criteria for design qualities are available and design notation can be applied.  Once software requirements have been analysed and specified, software design is the first of three activities- Design, code, test, that are required to build and verify software.
            Each activities transform information in a manner that ultimately results in a validation of computer software. The importance software design can be started with a single word quality. Design is the place where quality fostered in software development. Design provides us with the representations of the software that can be accessed for quality.
            Design the only way that we can accurately translate a customer’s requirement into a finished software product or system. Without design, risk of building an unstable system exists-one that will fail when small changes are made one that may be difficult to test.


                         The input design is the link between the information system and the users. It comprises the directing specification and procedures for data preparations and those steps that are necessary to put transaction data into a usable form for processing data entry.
                         The designs of inputs focuses on controlling the amount of inputs required, controlling errors, avoiding delay, avoiding extra steps and keeping the process simple.
System analyst decides the following input designs details:
·         Why data to input?
·         What medium to use?
·         How the data should be arranged or coded?
·         The dialogue to guide users in providing input.
·         Methods for performing input validation and steps to follow when error occurs.
            Several activities have to be carried out as part of the overall input process. They include some or all of the following stages
·         Data recording (that is, collection of data at its source);
·         Data transcription (that is, transfer of data to an input form);
·         Data conversion (that is, checking the conversion);
·         Data control (that is, checking the accuracy and controlling the flow of the data to the computer);
·         Data transmission (that is, transmitting or transporting the data to the                   computer);
·         Data validation (that is, checking the input data by program when it enters the computer system);
·         Data correction (that is, correcting the errors that are found at any of the earlier stages).


            Designing computer output should proceed in an organized, well thought out manner. The term output applies to any information produced by an information system whether printed or displayed.        When analyst designs computer output, they identified the specific output is needed to meet the information requirements.
             Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user. Output design is a process that involves designing necessary outputs that have to be various users according to their requirements.
            Efficient intelligent output design should improve the systems relationship with the users and help in decision-making.  Since the reports are directly required by the management for taking decisions and to draw conclusions, they must be designed with utmost care and the details in the records must be simple, descriptive and clear to the user.
            The options for the outputs and reports are given in the systems menu. When designing output, system analyst must accomplish the following:
·         Determine the information to present.
·         Decide whether to display or print the information and select the output medium.
·         Arrange the present of information acceptable format.
·         Decide how to distribute the output to intended receipts.

3.1.3 Architectural design     

            Architectural design begins with recognition that the screen is composed of different areas. Layout tools assist the analyst in specifying the content of the single and multiple design formats. All screens have been provided with menus, push buttons facilities, icons and control buttons such as add/delete/edit/find/clear /exit etc.
            The main screen consists of main menu from which we can move to another forms or screens.

In designing output screens we need area for:
·         Heading and titles.
·         The content of display.
·         Message and instruction.
·         Sometimes explanations for information in the reports

3.1.4 Procedural Design

            The procedural design transforms structural component in to a procedural description of the software. Source is generated and testing is conducted to integrate and validate to software. The design of input and output screen comes under the procedural design input/output design is according to needs of the user.
            The input and output design are related to each other in sense that the accuracy data depends on the accuracy of the input data and processing of input data. Thus for this proposed system the input and output design are in the form of forms. In the forms based interface design the user give the input by filling the blanks of the screen.


            Database files are the key source of information into the system. It is the process of designing database files which are the key source of information to the system. The files should be properly designed and planned for collection, accumulation, editing the required information.
            The objectives of the file design are to provide effective auxiliary storage and to contribute to the overall the efficiency of the computer program component of the system. In concepts of database design, there are two types of data – physical data and logical data.
Physical data is that which is written on those pieces of paper. Logical data are those, which are calculated based on some of the retrieved data in a certain sequence in summary form. In a computer-based data processing system, separation of physical and logical data provides the same advantages. 

                        The User Info Table

Column Name
Data Type

Request ID



User name



First name



Middle name



Last name



Date of Birth

Date time

















Credit card



Credit card Type



The Feedback Master Table

Column Name

Data Type

User name

Var char



Var char


Msg date

Date time


 The Item Master Table

Column name

Data Type
Item Code



Item Desc


Qty on hand



Release Date

Date time


The Login Info Table

Column Name

Data Type
User name


Secret Question

Secret Answer



                                          The Reply Info Table

Column Name           

Data Type
Reply date

Date time
Reply msg

Reply user name


                               The Sales Master Table

Column Name

Data Type
Sale Date

Date time
Item Code

Sale qty


User name


                                  The Vote Info Table

Column Name

Data Type
Item Code


Number votes




Quality assurance is an important step in software engineering. This overlaps with all the phases of development right from the requirement analysis. This quality requirement of the software system must be clearly extracted during the requirement analysis and all the subsequent phases should be made biased to that, the final testing will become trivial and less expensive. There are number of quality parameters like correctness, accuracy, reliability, robustness, efficiency, effectiveness, reusability, maintainability etc.. The state of requirement of each of these parameters will vary depending upon the name and domain of the application. The testing should be done at the end of all development steps.  Even though the final testing and verification are inevitable for better life and functionality of the software. The different software testing approaches and methods like white box testing and black box testing. The major phases in testing are design of test plan, setting up test case and test candidate and test procedure, testing and correction. This is a cycle process and the software will circulate through all the steps till it attends the required quality. The testing is carried in the following steps.

4.1 Unit testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design the module. Using the details design description as a guide, important control paths are tested to uncover errors within boundary of the boundary of the module. The relative complexity of tests and the errors detected as a result is limited by the constrained scope established for unit testing.
 Unit testing is normally considered an adjacent to coding steps. After source level code has been developed, reviewed, and verified for correct syntax, unit test case design begins. A review of design information provides guidance for establishing test cases that are likely to uncover error in each case of the categories discussed above. Each test case should be coupled with a set of expected results.

4.3 Integration testing

Integration testing is systematic technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting test to uncover error associated with interfacing .The objective is to take unit tested modules and build a program structure that has been dictated by design.
There is often a tendency to attempt no incremental integration; that is to construct the program using a “big bang “approach. The entire modules are combined in advance. The entire program is tested as whole and chaoses usually result! A set of error is encountered. Correction is difficult because the isolation of cause is complicated by the vast expanse of entire program. Once errors are corrected, new ones appear and process continues in a seemingly endless loop.

 5. System Implementation

As specified in the software and hardware specification section in the beginning, since this system is built on the client server architecture, a central web server computer is required to manage the user requester services made operational. Since the web server is used Apache with Tomcat the system requirements listed by Apache with Tomcat holds good in this case also. Apart from the standard requirements of 128MB of RAM,1.7GB of hard disk space and a fast processor, a modem is required to set it up for the internet. A client on the other hand requires only a low end computer, even with 32 to 64 MB RAM and 1GB hard disk. Here too, the requirement of a modem is indispensable.

5.1 Maintenance

Software maintenance is the process of modifying a software system or component after its delivery in order to correct faults, improve the performance and other attributes, or to adapt to the changed environment. 
Maintenance covers a wide range of activities including correcting the code and design errors, updating the documentation and test data, and upgrading the user support. There is an aging process that calls for periodic maintenance of hardware and software. Maintenance is always necessary to keep the system into its standards.


The software ‘Online music store’ reduces the considerable drawbacks like burden of human labor, portable defect and errors. This software saves time and provides 24 hour accessibility even from a remote place. Programs are menu driven which help even a newcomer to use the system with little training. Testing has been done with actual data and system is much better than the existing one. GUI makes the interface very much user friendly.
The system is highly user friendly and is well efficient to ease interactions with the users of the system. Reports generate with live data are proved to be informative and also helpful in making important decisions. The system is tested and implemented with high degree of accuracy.
The system is done with an insight into the necessary modification that may require in the future. Hence the system can be maintained successfully, without much rework.

6.3 Scope for Future Enhancement - MUSIC STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROJECT

As changes are always necessary in future it applies to software development also but these changes should be appreciable in nature. These appreciable changes will make the software to fight for its survival in the competitive market. Hence it is necessary to think about the future enhancements at present.  The system ‘Online Music Store’ will fulfill the entire requirement of the clients. The system is developed according to the present requirements of the company. The system is developed as easy as possible for the sake of end users.

One drawback of my system is that the client cannot view, search and purchase music according to a particular language option .By the next time I would like to add this facility.

By the next time I would like to add two more modules: Purchase Module and Accounting Module. Purchase Module deals with purchasing activities of music related items. Accounting Module deals with all accounting activities such as billing, ledger preparation, balance sheet preparation, profit and loss account preparation etc.

In the present system transaction is through a particular bank or through money orders. In future I would like to make it through credit cards. Credit card validation techniques are needed for that.

The developed software for the organization is flexible and it can be made to run on all kinds of platforms. The system is error free and highly portable. It can be implemented in any servers in the Internet providing an easy access to the clients. It also has more options of the future developments.

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