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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

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bca projects topics

BCA PROJECT # 2- Hospital Information System





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BCA Project Can be submitted by - BE, BCA, MCA, B TECHComputer Science Final Year students. IGNOU BCA, IGNOU MCA, SMU BCA, SMU MCA, B.Tech/B.E in Computer Science or Information technology, MTech, MS, BSC-IT as final year project.


      The problem with majority of data on the web is that it is difficult to use on a large scale, because there is no global system for publishing data in such a way as it can be easily processed by anyone. Everyone using the WWW has the problem that who can you trust to send you e-mails; how can I know sure if a transaction really occurred. So the semantic web can be seen as a huge engineering solution… but it is more than that.


The Semantic Web is a mesh of information linked up in such a way as to be easily procesable by machines, on a global scale. The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application. It is a collaborative effort led by W3C. The Semantic Web is about common formats for integration and combination of data drawn from diverse sources, where the original Web mainly concentrates on the interchange of documents.

The Semantic Web approach instead develops languages for expressing information in a machine processable form. This development of Semantic Web is occurring in atleast two areas: from the infrastructural, all-embracing, position as espoused by the W3C/MIT and other academically-focused organizations.

 Our paper describes the details of Semantic Web and its need, ontologies, OWL, semantic web services and its applications- mainly FOAF which provides template for metadata about the people and their interests. However Semantic Web technologies are still very much in their infancies, and the future of the project in general appears to be bright




Data that is generally hidden away in HTML files is often useful in some contexts, but not in others. The problem with the majority of data on the web that is in this form at the moment is that it is difficult to use on large scale, because there is no global system for publishing data in such a way as it can be easily processed by anyone. Technically WWW means a set of protocols and languages driven by a strong standards approach namely URI, HTTP, HTML, HML. The principles involved are the

1) Implementation and platform independence crucial and

2) World Wide Web consortium the most prominent.

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                Also in WWW who can you trust to send you e-mail and how can we know for sure if a transaction really occurred.


Problem Domains:


The general Web


1) Data-mining activities (e.g. search, comparison, notification)

2)  Transactions(e-com, e-gov)

3)  Business Knowledge bases

4)  Intranets, data warehouses

5)  Collaborative Computing

6)  Transaction between systems

7)  Knowledge-based business

8)  Biology, law etc

Introduction to the Semantic Web:

                        According to Sir Tim Berners-Lee, “The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.”

Web is Human Friendly Whereas the SEMANTIC WEB is machine friendly. Semantic Web means adding semantic annotation to web resources. We can make the Web machine friendly by

1. Creating an environment for Knowledge inference.

2. Making Knowledge self-explainable for machines.

3. Establishing Trust

We can make it meaningful for machines as shown in figure.




        Ontology is standard for some knowledge domain. Examples are Healthcare, Bioinformatics, and CRM and web services. It provides a formal and agreed upon controlled vocabulary, which is used to define concepts and information can be tagged according to these concepts.



        OWL is an RDF-based language for Ontology modeling. It enable class and instance definition, using relations and properties such asProperties (price is a property of product), subclassOf (Employee is subclass of person).

                OWLS ontologies can be developed independently, having concepts reference each other. Network effect is shown in second figure.



·          The next generation of the WWW

·          Information has machine-process able and machine-      understandable semantics

·          Not a separate Web but  an augmentation of the current one

·          Ontologies as basic building block



To make the semantic web working we need the ontology technology as follows:

Ontology Languages:


Reasoning support

Web compliance


Ontology Reasoning:

Large scale knowledge handling


oStable & scalable inference machines

· Ontology Management Techniques:

oEditing and browsing

oStorage and retrieval

oVersioning and evolution Support

· Ontology Integration Techniques:

oOntology mapping, alignment, merging

oSemantic interoperability determination

· And  …  Applications



Sufficient metadata is the main bottleneck of the Semantic Web. There is a loop:

-  Without metadata, no applications will be built

-   Without applications, no one will create metadata

The gap between academic and commercial is called THE META DATA GAP.



Ontology creation requires companies and organization to standardize their concepts. It is much harder than to standardize than communication protocols. Ontology creation requires large investments. Because ontologies reduce the uncertainty of information, their benefits will be revealed mainly in the long run.



· Adobe – uses RDF as a basis for documenting meta-data, in PDF and other tools

· Boeing – uses RDF and OWL in several internal projects

· AGFA – uses RDF to categorize medical photos

· NOKIA – lots of Semantic Web activities. Including RDF knowledge store

· IBM -  Strong research activities


FOAF: Stands for “Friend Of A Friend”. It provides a template for metadata about people, and their interests, relationships and activities. It is an open community-lead and open source initiative.

FOAF is used to trust e-mail. The trust can be inferred as shown in figure.


        These are loosely coupled; reusable components and they can encapsulate discrete functionality. These are distributed and programmatically accessible over standard internet protocols and they add new level of functionality on top of the current web.



WSDL means Web Service Description Language. It describes interface for consuming a web service. Interface includes the input and output and the access involves the protocol binding. UDDI means Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration Protocol. UDDI is the registry for the web services such as the provider, service information and the technical access. SOAP means Simple Object Access Protocol. XML data transport involves the protocol binding and the communication aspect.



WWW has 500 billion users and more than 3 billion pages.

SEMANTIC WEB TECHNOLOGY allows machine supported data interpretation and ontologies as data model

WEB SERVICE TECHONOLOGY includes automated discovery, selection, composition, and web based execution of services. The combination of the above two gives the semantic web services as integrated solution for realizing the vision of the generation of the web.



We conclude that Semantic Web can be seen as the huge engineering solution to the problems of WWW. One of the best things about the web is that it’s so many different things to so many different people. The coming Semantic Web will multiply this versatility a thousand fold. For some, the defining feature of the Semantic Web will be the ease with which your PDA, your laptop, your desktop, your server, and your car will communicate with each other. For others, it will be the automation of corporate decisions that previously had to be laboriously hand-processed. For still others, it will be the ability to assess the trustworthiness of documents on the web. .

However, the Semantic web vision of a machine-readable web has possibilities for application in most web technology.

Advanced Mobile Presentation -- Content Pagination and Caching Challenges  Free download BSc CS IT projects in PHP,JAVA, ASP.NET with  source code
Neither of the basic content transformation methods described above addresses the memory issues of the device or The Bca projects topics latency issue of the wireless link. Consider one scenario: If the content is dynamic, applying a straight transformation of the XML in a target device's markup language will often result in a document that is too large for The free download MCA projects in ASP.NET with complete source code One patch is to "page" the data at the data source (i.e., the data access layer) based on The Bca projects topics lowest-common-denominator device to be supported, which will result in small pages. Unfortunately, this process will lead to burdensome delays for devices without memory or display restraints, since they will be making repeated requests for the small pages over high-latency wireless links, introducing unnecessary chattiness into applications.
Another option inserts logic at the presentation layer based on the memory attribute of The Bca projects topics device and "pages" the resulting XML at this appropriate layer. This option requires introducing yet another layer of complex application logic at the presentation layer, violating a basic principle of sound J2EE design and increasing the maintenance cost. In either case, The Bca projects topics paginated content on the server would have to be stored and appropriate links between the pages would have to be created. This problem is even more complex than meets the eye, because some pages may have been served to The Bca projects topics mobile devices, and the rest will be stored on the server.
It is crucial to note that this scenario again increases rather than decreases complexity, if the developer wants to add functionality to The Bca projects topics patch that paginates the content at the application and/or presentation layer. Let's assume the developer obtains a device profile for The  Free download MCA projects in VB,NET with complete source code topics maintenance cost of this custom coding approach will be an eye-opener. Developing a custom transformation engine that dynamically assembles a library based on device features makes adding devices easier, but in itself can be an extensive development project that still faces scalability and reliability issues. The picture is further complicated in the common scenario in which the developer needs to override The Bca projects topics automatic transformation for a specific set of pages and devices. For example, customizing a branding page's size, shape, and logo color for a certain set of devices are common requirements, and the transformation engine should allow for overriding and providing full control over the look and feel.

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