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Thursday, December 12, 2013

mca final year projects in java

mca final year projects in java

BCA PROJECT # 2- Hospital Information System







Most of the bank out-sources pre-loan process to loan agencies to reduce the burden and let the agencies pickup the information from customers and verify it before it is being forwarded to the actual bank for approval of loan.


Lending Tree is an interface which facilitates a customer to apply for a loan from on-line and to track the status from time-to-time along with aiding the loan approval agency to verify and accept/reject the customer file. Lending Tree is unique in such a way, it not only helps the customers but also the loan agency to check the pending, assign it to a departments, complete the formalities and procedures between the departments and  arrive at decisions to very fact in addition to providing a transparency system for every one.


The customer can directly apply for a loan by selecting a bank and loan type from the list available. The application is received by loan agency who will have three departments- PickUp, Verifiaction and Legal. This system can be controlled by the administrator. First he will look at the application received and allot the application for a particular employee of pickup department. The employee will go and make a physical verification of the documents at the customers and receives the documents necessary for the loan. Then he logs into this system and forwards the application to the verification department which will verify the whereabouts of the person, his organization, his salary particulars etc. and then forwards the application with a status verified. Then application reaches the legal department. The legal department people will verify the builder details and when satisfied sends their report to the administrator.


The administrator or final approving authority views both types of reports, Viz, the reports from verification department and the report legal department. This will help him to take a decision regarding whether to forward it to the bank or not. The same is communicated to the customer.


The customer can at any time view the status of his application and can send any messages to the administrator and can get clarifications from him. Thus the lending tree s/w helps to simplify the loan system along with making the work easy.


There are 5 types of users who can get immense benefits from system:


  • The customer - seeking the loan and information related to banks and loans
  • The administrator of loan agency who will take track the decision of bank to approve or disapprove and also controls the overall system functionality
  • The PickUp department users who picks up the details and documents from customers
  • The verification department user who make a physical verification of the details submitted by the customer
  • The legal department user who verifies the legality of the documents of the builder and construction.


Software Requirments:


Operating System             :Windows

Technologies                    :Java/J2ee(JDBC, Servlets, JSP)

Web Technologies             :Html, JavaScript

Web Server                       :Tomcat

Database                          :Oracle

Softwares                          :J2sdk6.0, Tomcat 5.0, Oracle 9i


Hardware Requirements:


Hardware                            :Pentium based systems with a 

                                               Minimum of p4

RAM                                   :256MB (min)              .


BCA Project Can be submitted by - BE, BCA, MCA, B TECHComputer Science Final Year students. IGNOU BCA, IGNOU MCA, SMU BCA, SMU MCA, B.Tech/B.E in Computer Science or Information technology, MTech, MS, BSC-IT as final year project.
5.3 Method of Implementation 
Implementation literally means to put into effect or to carry out. The system implementation phase of the software deals with the translation of mca final year projects in java design specifications into the source code. The ultimate goal of the implementation is to write the source code and the internal documentation so that it can be verified easily. Mca final year projects in java code and documentation should be written in a manner that eases debugging, testing and modification. System flowcharts, sample run on packages, sample output etc. Is part of the implementation of  Free download MCA projects in VB,NET with complete sourcecode ?
  An effort was made to satisfy the following goals in order specified.
•    Minimization of Response Time.
•    Clarity and Simplicity of the Code.
•    Minimization of Hard-Coding.
Various types of bugs were discovered while debugging mca final year projects in java modules. These ranged from logical errors to failure on account of various processing cases.


Mca final year projects in java development of software systems involves of a series of production activities where opportunities for injection of human fallibilities are enormous. Errors may begin to occur at mca final year projects in java very inception of the process where the objectives may be erroneously or imperfectly specified, as well as in later design and development stages. Because of human inability to perform and communicate with perfection, software development is accompanied by a quality assurance activity.

TESTING TECHNIQUES  Free download MCA MSc projects in with complete source code

Testing is the process of executing a program with mca final year projects in java intention of finding errors. The various test strategies used for testing the software are as follows.
Unit testing focuses on verification effort on the smallest unit of mca final year projects in java software design module. The main goal is to make sure that every source statement and logic path has been executed correctly at least once. The output of this stage is the source code.
In Integration testing, we find errors that have occurred during mca final year projects in java integration. After testing each module, which is then integrated into subsystems and then to form the entire system on which integration testing is performed. The goal of testing is to detect the design errors, while focusing on mca final year projects in java testing the interconnection between modules.

6.3 Validation Testing  Free download BSc CS IT projects in PHP,JAVA, ASP.NET with  source code

This testing concentrates on confirming that the software is error-free in all respects. All the specified validations are verified and the software is subjected to hard-core testing. It also aims at determining mca final year projects in java degree of deviation that exists in the software designed from the specification; they are listed out and are corrected.

In this testing,  the system is tested for the errors after coupling all mca final year projects in java  modules together The system is tested against the specified requirements to see if all the requirements are met and the system performs as specified by mca final year projects in java requirements.

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